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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1590]. Carta de una autora no identificada para Manuel de Bolea, pseudónimo de Jaime Manobel, clérigo presbítero.

Autor(es) Anónima5      
Destinatário(s) Jaime Manobel      
In English

Letter from an unknown woman to Manuel de Bolea, pseudonym of Jaime Manobel, priest.

The author explains to Jaime Manobel what she has done to help him, and asks him to send back a mule and some objects which are being reclaimed by their owners.

The accused in this process was Jaime Manobel, priest. In 1590 he was accused of sorcery by the Inquisition Tribunal of Toledo, because he was trying to cure Francisco Leal (a young carpenter) from impotency by means of a spell. While he was imprisoned in the jail of San Lorenzo de El Escorial he received letters in which he was called with the pseudonym of Manuel de Bolea. These letters were seized afterwards, when he was moved to the jail of the Inquisition Tribunal in Toledo. Eventually, he was condemned to abjure «de levi», he was suspended from his orders and he was banished from the district of Toledo for two years.

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