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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1620. Carta de frei Augusto de São Domingos para um colega.

Author(s) Augusto de São Domingos      
Addressee(s) Anónimo448      
In English

Private letter from Augusto de São Domingos, friar, to a colleague.

The author gives some news, keeping secret the identity of a person, and sending other letters and a cilice.

The defendant in this process is Grácia Pires, 25 years old, from the small town of Sertã, accused of pretending to have visions and revelations. She said that she was a saint and that Our Lady appeared to her, carrying the baby Jesus and letting her take him by the hand. She had the special protection of two priests, but even though she ended up confessing that she was lying about the visions. In an auto-de-fé on January 10,1621, the defendant was sentenced to the exhile in Castro Marim, Algarve, never being allowed to go back to her hometown, having to accomplish spiritual penitence and the payment of legal costs.

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