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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1690. Carta de Pedro Montoto de Lago, juez de la jurisdicción de Arzúa, para Domingo Ramos Vaamonde, teniente de la jurisdicción de Arzúa.

Author(s) Pedro Montoto de Lago      
Addressee(s) Domingo Ramos Vaamonde      
In English

Letter from Pedro Montoto de Lago, judge of the Arzúa jurisdiction, to Domingo Ramos Vaamonde, deputy of the Arzúa jurisdiction.

The author gives various assignment to Domingo Ramos Vaamonde.

The process was opened at the request of Domingo de Barrán and other residents of the jurisdiction of Arzúa (La Coruña) against Pedro Montoto de Lago, judge of that jurisdiction. Pedro Montoto was accused of having abused of his position as a judge. Specifically, he was accused of forcing various residents to give him grains, rams, hams, goat kids, chickens, butter, firewood and other goods, as well as money, under threat of giving them the title of mayordomo (he bribed people freeing them from the title of mayordomo, in exchange for money or goods) or bring false lawsuits against them. He was also accused of opening different processes for minor causes, in order to force people to spend more and to take their money. In addition to letters and notes, some ordinances and titles of mayordomo issued by the judge were also collected in the proceedings.

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Page 67r


hijo mio de mi alma quedo muy

gozoso con la tuya, y te doy las
gracias de la buena expedicion
q tienes, q obrando como hombre
de bien, y hijo de buen padre
tendremos los dos buen acierto
y no se Perdera. entendimiento
y agudeza tienes bendito Dios
y assi me hallarè mas descansa
do Pues no tengo menester de
enseñarte ni decirte lo q has
de hacer. en quanto hasta el
miercoles o jueves ya savia yo
no Podias Venir. ten q hazer
y aia q trabajar, y deteme
Dios salud, y mas q se tarde
bien. en quanto a la casa
haz lo Possible Porq la ca
sera se componga bien, y de
dura, y agujeros lo mesmo
y sea de modo q te dea
las gracias y un par de
abrazos, y si en ella Pudieren
estar Prevenidos algunos carros de leña tambien
te lo he de estimar mucho. y aDios hasta la Vista q
te me gre Dios m a con la salud q yo Para mi deseo
raña y julio 3 de 90

tu fino amigo de corazon
y seguro servidor
sr Domingo Ramos Vaamonde

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