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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1576. Carta de Gonçalo Eanes, serrador e homem que vivia de sua fazenda, para Gregório Serrão, padre da Companhia de Jesus

Autor(es) Gonçalo Eanes      
Destinatario(s) Gregório Serrão      
In English

Request letter sent from Gonçalo Eanes, a sawmill owner, to Gregório Serrão, a Jesuit priest.

The author asks the addressee to try to make his wife join him in Brazil before he dies.

Catarina Dias, a woman who sold glass in the Lisbon market square was arrested and accused of bigamy by the Inquisition in 1576. She had married a sawmill worker, Gonçalo Eanes, twenty years earlier, just before he went to Brazil, where he became rich as a sawmill owner. He lived by his rent and had several sawmil slaves in his house in Bahia. Catarina Dias remarried a paver, João de Medina, while her first husband was still alive and the letter here published was given to the Inquisition by its addressee as a proof of her guilt.

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hũa me derão de vosa reverencia na

qual bem vejo quanto fez meus
neguocios acerqua de minha mo
lher ainda não desconfio da gra
ça de noso snnor nẽ da esmola que vo
sa reverencia me fara quando ho
noso senhor troucer de roma quanto
ha largua comicam que a sua me
diz não he necesario porque bem
sabe de mimha veradade porque eu
não desejo outra cousa senão me
ter minha molher de posse do seu an
tes de minha morte esta he a ver
dade sẽ outra ma vontade e portan
to quis escrever ou pera milhor dizer
risquei de minha mão nisto não a ma
is que lhe ẽconmendar porque bem sei
q ho fara por amor de noso snor

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