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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1753]. Carta de António [de Nossa Senhora] da Esperança, frade, para Manuel do Cenáculo, lente de Teologia.

Author(s) António de Nossa Senhora da Esperança      
Addressee(s) Manuel do Cenáculo      
In English

Private letter from António [de Nossa Senhora] da Esperança, friar of the Ordem Terceira de São Francisco, to Manuel do Cenáculo, professor of Theology.

The author makes accusations against friar Eusébio de Jesus Maria José, friar Agostinho do Rosário and friar Francisco da Expectação, defending friar Antonio de S. José and explaining what was happening in the convent.

The defendant in this process is the father Antonio de S. José, a native of Estarreja, a professed religious in the Ordem Terceira de São Francisco and Master of the Novices at the Convent Nossa Senhora de Jesus, in Lisbon. He was arrested by the Inquisition in 1754 for "wrongly feeling the determinations and doctrines of the Church". Before his service in Lisbon, the friar António de S. José had been in the Colégio de São Pedro dos Terceiros, in Coimbra, with the same functions. During this time he was accused by other friars, among them the friars Eusébio de Jesus Maria José, friar Agostinho do Rosário and friar Francisco da Expectação. These friars accused him of, during the sacrament of confession, asking them who were the accomplices of their sins and what were the sins of other companions, denying them absolution if they did not reveal this. He also made them repeat outside their confession everything they had said, so that he could denounce their crimes to their superiors and punish them. Not only did he break the sacramental secrecy, as he led the friars to hide their offenses and to have sacrilegious confessions, or simply not to confess to him. When a religious wished to complain to the Holy Office, friar Antonio de S. José did not give him permission and arrested him, forcing him to publicly decay, thus causing the hostility of several friars. However, the situation seems to have been resolved, as it is mentioned in the case that some of those who previously distrusted him eventually decayed and asked for forgiveness. After a complex series of interrogations, it was proved that, in any case, the defendant effectively broke the sacramental secrecy of the confession, and showed ignorance of the apostolic rules on the subject and the edicts of the Holy Office, which the defendant confirmed not knowing. Friar Antonio de S. José was deprived forever of being able to confess in any form, was suspended from the exercise of his orders for three years and sentenced to eight years of exile.

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M R P M Fr Mel do cenaculo

Meu P M estimarei que vP tenha passado com felis saude

e tivece festas alegres o q eu julgo pelo contro por cauza da desgraça
q succedeo a meu P M dos Noviços confeço ao P que me tem dado bem
que cuidar o dezaforo destes maganos mas paciencia façace a vontade de
Ds e em elle espero q ha de manifestar a verde; entendo vP sabera o mo-
tivo isto não obstante sempre qro contar o que sei pa que vP ponha la
algun remedio se ahinda desse cotto não forão ao s offo e dicime o grande
talento do Espectação Autor da obra que qdo la estavão ahinda os dois so-
cios Euzebio Fr vicente escrevera a Euzebio em q lhe dezia que o P M
dos Noviços lhe descobria o sigilo da confição, e q vice o que fazia cujo escrito
leo o Espectação, e q o deo ao P Proval actual que então hera custodio e dizen
por ca que Fr vicente tambẽ handa metido nisto, e q se comresponde com e-
lles individue vP esta couza; outra ha q confeçandoce o gloria com o P
M de hũa couza q niguen a sabia o N P Diffor geral q então hera Proval
reprehendeo ao gloria dizendo vos fizestes tal couza, e que lhe dice o gloria
vP não o podia saber senão do M dos Noviços que me confecei a elle, e ninguẽ
mais o dice, e dizendo eu isto mesmo a N P Diffor geral me dice hera mentira,
e não lhe lembrava; agora o que succedeo com o Espectação que confeçando
ce ao M e dizendolhe q tinha tido hũa raiva a irmão pelo ver es-
tar batendo em hũa caixa de tabaco no coro, e o P M que lhe preguntou
quem hera esse irmão, e q lhe dice q não lhe podia perguntar porq he-
ra perguntar pelo complice o q elle não podia fazer isto não obstante
dicelho e q levantandoce da confeição o foi contar a Euzebio, e Agostinho
o tal Espectação, e q lhe dicerão elles que hera couza do s offo por per-
guntar o cumplice. (como se o ouvece ) e bem sabẽ que

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