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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1708. Carta de Manuel de Santa Leocadia, religioso confesor, para su hija de confesión Petronila González.

Author(s) Manuel de Santa Leocadia      
Addressee(s) Petronila González      
In English

Letter from Manuel de Santa Leocadia, a priest and a confessor, to Petronila González.

The author writes his parishioner Petronila González, of whom he is the confessor, telling her that, despite her confusion, the Lord is with her.

Between 1708 and 1711, Pedro Pablo Díez was accused of being a deceiver and a deceived. This process is related with the one filed as legajo 105, expediente 04, a lawsuit against Manuela Ramos (PS6143 and PS6191); and with the process filed as legajo 104, expediente 07, a lawsuit against Manuel de Santa Leocadia, also known as Manuel de Paredes, a discalced Carmelite friar from Toledo.

The accused, from Alhóndiga, worked as an apothecary in Yepes (Toledo) and was married with Petronila González. He had a daughter from a previous marriage, named Paula Díez, who is mentioned in some of the letters. Thirteen letters were joined to the proceedings. The first two (PS8127 and PS8128) are independent from the others, and were seized from the writing desk of the accused when he was arrested. The other letters were handed over by Petronila González. The accused claimed that he did not decide what he had written in the letters, because he let himself be guided by Manuel de Santa Leocadia, who was his confessor. He related that Manuel de Santa Leocadia ordered him to write down everything he gave him during the confession, every eight days. He also claimed to have invented the visions he had described to his confessor to generate his interest in him.

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Page 55r


Te parecera q es por demas escri

bir a tu confesor siendo tu una
burrica y de q lo eres no ay razon
de dudar La noche de Navidad
canta Nra Me la Yglesia sr
yo oy tu palabra y temi conside
re tus obras y me admira de ver
te en medio de dos animales con
q te puedes consolar q aunq eres bo
rrica no se espantara dios de borri
cas q enseñado esta a estar en
tre animales y nosotros los hijos de
adan somos mas animales pues
teniendo entendimiento y volun
tad conocemos por la fe q es un dios
tan bueno y admirable y no nos des
hacemos de amores amandole y
sirviendole con toda fidelidad y ver
dad prosigue tu camino conforme
te sucede y trae mucha presencia
de dios q esta hace de hombres An
geles pe te advierto q si tu marido
quisiese hecharse en un pozo q tu no lo hagas pero si el q es
un burro quisiese arrojarse en un mar de la bondad de dios arro
jate tu tambien que no te aogaras y si te aogares tal me suce
da dale a el perillan mis memorias
a Paulilla q no se duerma en la oracion el sr te llene de su amor y

toledo y febrero
4 de 1708
fr Manuel de Sta Leocadia hija petronila
de xpo


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