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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

1826. Carta de Joaquim da Conceição Rico, capitão, para José Teles Viegas.

Author(s) Joaquim da Conceição Rico      
Addressee(s) José Teles Viegas      
In English

Letter from Joaquim da Conceição Rico to José Teles Viegas.

The author sends a note that apparently will serve as a safe conduct to the addressee and his family.

After D. João VI died (April 1826), D. Pedro approved a Constitution that was opposed by many rebels, and there was a growing political and military turmoil: several rebellions took place in different parts of the country and a group of Spaniards even took action in Alentejo, with support from local Portuguese inhabitants. The expression «Spanish rebels» refers to these men that took action against the new law. The defendant in this case, Joaquim daSilva Zagalo, was accused of dealing with them. He was first sentenced to death, but in 1827 he benefitted from a Royal pardon and walked free.

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Page 4r

Amigo Senhor Dor Joze Telles

Amigo e Sr Esta ceve que hos Ami

go aCautelou os Outros amigos- para
o foturaem- lhe partecipo - que se quer a
comVemcionar - a deprento com os hes
pois- Imediatamente mente he fei
to Ao detor da Brigada e Devezão Re
alista e pode - para o futuro dei
char - coiza - com que poça comer a
Sua Senhora - e Seos Filhos - he
tão Somente - lhe participo a sua pe
çoa- do Meu Amo Villa Nova de
la - Serena- 23 de 7bo de 1826 e de na
da deve ter medo

Joaquim da Conçeição Rico

Aprezentar ao Jeneral de Badajos

com - a mesma - Auteridade de Ao
detor - da Brigada Realista


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