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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

1779. Carta de Maria Helena Mexia Galvão de Sousa, recolhida num convento, para Sebastião Luís da Silveira, padre.

Author(s) Maria Helena Mexia Galvão de Sousa      
Addressee(s) Sebastião Luís da Silveira      
In English

Private letter from Maria Helena Mexia Galvão de Sousa, secluded in a convent, to Sebastião Luís da Silveira, priest.

The author complains with the recipient that he did not support her idea of using the inherited money from her brother, Gaspar, to free him. She now asks him for another favor in order to get her brother out of jail.

On January 23, 1779, Gaspar Francisco Mexia Galvão de Sousa was made a prisoner in the Tower of São Julião da Barra at the request of his brother, Lourenço Anastácio Mexia Galvão de Sousa. After a few months, also following a request of his brother, the communication between Gaspar and the priest Sebastião Luís da Silveira, his friend and solicitor, was interdicted. When he knew about this impediment, the priest directed a request to the Ministry of the Kingdom so that he could communicate again with Gaspar. The applicant includes in the process a number of documents, including certificates of witnesses who claim that father Sebastião is a person of trust, and also letters that he received from Gaspar and Maria Elena (a sister of the prisoner), and three letters sent to Gaspar by a cousin (Bartolomeu de Sousa Mexia). These documents are intended to prove that all these people consider that it was Lourenço who planned the detention of his brother, so as to take his share of the inheritance. Maria Elena, sister of both, was not a threat to Lourenço's plans to become the sole heir of their parents, since she lived in a convent as a recluse. Gaspar would be freed later that year, going to live at his brother Lourenço.

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M Rdo Pe e Sor D Sebam Luis da Silvra

A ignoranssia sempre servio de desculpa qdo

falta o conhecimto, VSa repararia na formalide
da mia Escrita, porem o ignorar o q agora cei fes
q parecece menos cevelizada, mas VSa deveme des
culpar, e qm não sabia de VSa bem manifesta
a grandeza do seu C todo cheyo de compaixão, e se
os mutiplicados motos do meu dissabor podem ter al-
gum alivio, agora o incontro qdo VSa toma por
sua conta o favorecernos, e cendo grde o vexame
da mia vida pela falta do percizo, o q mais me
tem oprimido, é os trabos de meu Iro Gaspar po
is Crea VSa q estes me tem deminuido a sau
de, e este receyo de VSa é qm me não deixa ter
socego, e esta rezolução q agora tomey a tivera
anticipado se meu Iro Lco em uma sua me não
aSeverara, q no S João ceguinte estava Livre
da prizão e era amanssalo para não fazer asne
iras, mas ja desanimada a experanssa tentou a fer
tuna e achala favoravel em VSa é a mayor por-
videncia do Céo ele me ponha em os termos q de
zo pa de algü modo mostrar a VSa não o dezem
pro da mia obrigam q esta não tem recompenssa
com igualde mas aqla a q poder suprir as mias
forssas, o Dor Joze Anto me aviza de q se perciza

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