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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1804. Carta de Lucía de Elías para su hermano Joaquín de Elías.

Autor(es) Lucía de Elías      
Destinatário(s) Joaquín de Elías      
In English

Letter from Lucía de Elías to her brother Joaquín de Elías.

Lucía de Elías writes to her brother, Joaquín de Elías, to apologise for the interested use that Luis Gómez, a lawyer, made of the correspondence between her and the latter.

In 1806, Teresa Gómez Nieva appealed the sentence from a previous litigation between her brother, Luis Gómez Nieva, and Joaquín Elías Vigrite about the purchase of a hacienda in the village of Barajas. The hacienda was bought by Joaquín Elías, who presumably used the money he administrated from Luis Gómez to settle the transaction. Therefore, the deceased Luis Gómez´s sister, as hes heir, tried to obtain a favourable ruling, as she was facing a tight economic situation. Eventually, the final judgement was favourable to Joaquín Elías in 1817, which confirmed the previous ruling. This letter was provided by Joaquín de Elías´ party, because “it destroys the arguments that Nieva’s malice makes of other letters from Lucía to Nieva himself, given that she was seduced by the letters he wrote her in order to fascinate her”, f.355r.

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Page 344r > 344v

trujillo i nobienbre 13 de 1804

hermano joaquin nunca cre

i que ubiera llegado a lo que an
llegado las desazones promobi
das entre ti i el abogado ni


Mucho he sentido qe haia

hecho un uso tan ruin i ajeno
de un honbre politico, de las cart
as mias que a presentado i echo
conpulsar en los Autos de Deman
da qe te a puesto cartas que por
mi parte no tubieron otro espirtu
que contestarle a las suias se
ncillamente no prebeiendo podia
azer un hecho tan fuera de la aten
cion que esije una corespondien
cia pribada i puesta por una mu
jer i nunca con animo de ofende
rte tu estimazion per estoi mui sa
tisfecha de tu modo de obrar tan
to por las correspondencias que as te
nido conmigo como con muchas per
sonas d este pueblo i su partido con
cuentas i otras dependiencias qe
as seguido con barios en el espacio
de 30 años que te allas en ese pue
blo a muchos de los cuales he oido

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