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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

1710. Carta de Bartolomé de Toledo Ramírez de Arellano, marqués de Gelo, para su hija Catalina Ramírez de Arellano y Navarrete, marquesa de Villamagna.

Author(s) Bartolomé de Toledo Ramírez de Arellano      
Addressee(s) Catalina Ramírez de Arellano y Navarrete      
In English

Letter from Bartolomé de Toledo Ramírez de Arellano, marquis of Gelo, to his daughter Catalina Ramírez de Arellano y Navarrete, marquise of Villamagna.

The author sends his apologies to his daughter for not being able to help her with more money due to the bad state of his finances and the damages from the locust invasion.

Around 1709, the Royal Justice Palace of Seville intervened in the case of the marquise of Gelo´s sharing of goods. Following this case other problems regarding the estate and inheriting of Gelo lied ahead. The Gelo estate comprised lands, olive trees plantations, windmills and other properties. First of all, the marquis of Gelo had to face the seizure of these properties due to the debts owed to the Crown after being granted with the title in 1701. Likewise, the marquesses´ son-in-law, Hermenegildo Hurtado de Mendoza, married to Catalina Ramírez de Arellano, was affected by the seizure and sued his father-in-law for some leases carried out in the estate. Hermenegildo Hurtado de Mendoza considered that thanks to his intervening the aforementioned leases were not so ruinous. As the trial took place, the family´s correspondence regarding the hacienda´s details was provided to the proceeding documentation. The trial is incomplete.

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hija mia beo tu PaPel, y de la misma mane

ra le Puedo llamar hijo mio Pues lo es tan le
jitimo, de mi desgrazia, y Por esta Razon
estamos tan iguales tu y yo, Conqe solo, sir
ben las Cartas de mayor tormento, Pues, es
tando yo Como estoy, y Como no se quiere Cre
er, mal te Puedo ayudar, aunque te quiera
tanto Como tu me quieres a mi; y assi, en no
estando, en esta inteliJenzia, y Creyendo
que te e de ayudar y azer Por ti lo mismo qe
Por los demas hijos; sera un PerPetuo mar
tirio, Como se esPerimenta, y sin Conseguir
el alibio, ninguno de los dos, y Pues dios lo ase
sera lo qe mas nos Combiene, y aunque mas
nos yrritemos; no se Consigue y nos Po
nemos, de Peor Calidad; y si, ubiera yo
logrado, medios, se ubieran echo, mas bibas

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