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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Syntactic Trees

[1770-1772]. Carta de Maria Catarina da Conceição, freira, para Bernardo da Silva do Amaral, padre.

Autor(es) Maria Catarina da Conceição      
Destinatário(s) Bernardo da Silva do Amaral      
In English

Note from Maria Catarina da Conceição, a nun, to Bernardo da Silva do Amaral, a priest.

The author tells the addressee that she has kept his cilice and wants to give it back to him.

Father Bernardo da Silva Amaral was a priest who lived in Pernambuco (Brazil), although he was born in Lisbon. He was arrested in Recife in 1772, when he was 46 years old, under the suspicion of having made heretic propositions and of abusing women ("solicitação"). Several women testified against him. They said he used to teach that neither kisses, hugs or caresses were sins, they were rather a way of serving God, so he kissed, hugged and caressed them. He was accused of going to bed with several of them, sometimes mother and daughter at the same time, and was also seen bathing with them. Most of the private letters used as exhibits against him were exchanged between this priest and the mother and daughter pair. The letters exchanged with the mother are partly in cipher, but the court could not force the defendant to explain how to decode them.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Frase s-3 bote a bencão a ignacia
Frase s-4 aseite hesa pastilha q ella lhe manda
Frase s-5 eu desne q franca morreo q eu tenho o selicio de V Ra goardado e comfeso q me tem dado cuidado tal esquecimto pois nunca o tive semelhante pa couza alguma
Frase s-6 ja tenho emcomendado as meninas q me lenbrem pa coando V Ra va eu lho dar
Frase s-7 e tanto me esqueso eu como ellas
Frase s-8 veja se quer q eu o mande p o pe luis q como vem mais vezes terei ocazião de o mandar

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