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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1618. Carta de Francisco Ortiz para Juan de Baños, mayordomo.

Autor(es) Francisco Ortiz      
Destinatário(s) Juan de Baños      
In English

Letter from Francisco Ortiz to Juan de Baños, a butler.

The author informs the butler of the hardship he is going through to collect the rents in the county and he sends him what he has collected.

In 1618 Arias Gonzalo Dávila, count of Puñonrostro, brought a lawsuit against his mother, Hipólita de Leyva y Cardona, seeking age leave. The count was 21 years old and was already married and he considered it was time for him to rule and administrate his properties. In order to put an end to his mother´s guardianship, he presented witnesses who verified his maturity and capability. Once the leave was granted, the countess claimed from her son a payment for her livelihood. This petition consisted in 2000 ducats per year from the properties in Casasola and 800 bushels of bread per year from the property in Alcobendas. Although the count argued it was excessive and also the fact that his mother was capable of supporting herself with the rents she had, the Council of Castile made him comply with the aforementioned payments. The count tried to avoid the obligation and argued the non-payment of his mother during her time as an administrator. Among those non-payments there were certain amounts that had to be paid to Juan de Silva, the canon of the church of Toledo. However, 10 letters proving the payments were presented, as well as two other letters mentioning those transactions addressed to Juan González, the count´s butler. In a different docket from the Council (33116) there are the rest of the pieces from the proceeding. In the seventh piece there are two other letters discharging the countess from the obligation of paying the aforementioned rents. These two last letters written on January the 5th and July the 6th 1618, were from Francisco Ortiz, the butler from the property of Chichón. Throughout the letters there are references to the payments made to the count of Puñonrostro that had hindered the compliance with the contracted obligations.

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A Joan Barrios salud maymo de la Casa de mi sa la Condesa de punon Rostro etc en su mano

Por scrivir al sr Dio lopez de montalvo una Carta larga de que dara quenta A vm y ansi se lo scrivo solo dego por esto A la que de vm Re que estoy corrido y hecho una çebera de cansado paseando este lugar y los tenos de la casa ssolar y morada y no poder juntar dineros que quisiera fueran tantos que diera gusto A mi sa es lo que mas desseo. El tpo lo haze y la Abundançia de pan y mala venta d ello y lo demas que scrivi en la Carta que scrivo como vm bera sera dios servido que pa adelante aya mas dinero.

Hermoso lleva treçientos duos vien se qu es poco o nada y que sera mal Reçevido por mi sa save dios qto me pesa digale vm A su ssa esto y yo Procurare la enmienda El Conde mi sr me mando Aceptase una librança de 420 duos del preçio de una tapiçeria q conpro A pagar A de mediado este mes Açeptela Temo que me an de executar. y lo mismo A de hazer otro por otra librança de 600 duos que Acepte, que llega el mes de Agosto A ningo e dado un Real, y entende que pa este Terçio del sr don Phelis no uviera faltado yo. Causalo las neçesidades millones de veçes me e Acordado de vm y me acuerdo de lo que comunicamos Aqui en Razon de la boda de su ssa y las dependençias que por ella An suçedido que si eso no me sacase dineros yo lo podria cunplir mejor esto sea para vm solo A quien gue nro sr qto desseo de chinchon 6 de jullio 1618

franco ortiz



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