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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1798. Carta apócrifa de Miguel de Terán fingiendo ser Miguel Ceballos Medinaceli para un destinatario no identificado, banquero.

Author(s) Miguel de Terán      
Addressee(s) Anónimo306      
In English

Apocryphal letter written by Miguel de Terán who pretends to be Miguel Ceballos Medinaceli to an unidentified addressee, a banker.

Miguel de Terán, pretending to be Miguel de Ceballos Medinaceli, writes to a banker of Zaragoza requesting him to give 500 pesos to Francisco Cauhape and Joseph Latour, so that they can go to the court in Madrid to visit the alleged brother of the author, the duke of Medinaceli.

In 1804, Miguel de Terán was accused by the Inquisition of being a falsifier, because of what had happened six years before, when he had allegedly gone as far as Saint Gaudens (France) pretending to be a bishop and the brother of the duke of Medinaceli. There he asked to be hosted by Francisco de Cauhape, who hosted him for a year, not daring to refuse hospitality to such a distinguished person. During that year, by night, Miguel de Terán celebrated Mass, administered sacraments and prayed the rosary in the house of Francisco, who paid for everything. As a reward and a repayment, the accused had given Francisco a letter who allowed him to be payed 15.000 pesetas by the duke of Medinaceli. He also made a recommendation letter for a friend of Francisco, named de Latour. When Francisco and his friend arrived at the court in Madrid and presented these letters to the duke of Medinaceli, this explained them that they had been cheated, and that he was already looking for the swindler, who had done the same in various places. However, it is not completely clear who was the actual swindler, because also a Juan Tera was accused, even though many clues indicated Miguel de Terán as the actual swindler. These two letters were joined to the proceedings as part of the swindle. In the proceedings, there is also a letter written in French by a nun and sent to a French priest named Francisco Vidal. This had confirmed that Miguel de Terán was used to doing such swindles and was considered a real knave. We do not know the final sentence of the process.

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Text: -

Sor Banquero de la ciudad de Zaragoza Sn Gaudens Agto 7 de 1798 Muy Sr mio;
aunque no tengo conocimito alguno con el Banco de essa dha de Zaragoza pa molestar a Vm a fin de cansarlo, conociendo no conocera mi persona, pues soy el hermo del Exmo Sor Duque Medinaceli conde Sn esteban,
y me beo precisado a mandar al portador de esta (que se llama franco cauhape natural de la mencionada villa en la fha de Sn Gaudens) a la de Madrid a ber a mi mencionado hermo a ciertas diligs mias;
lo que estimare a Vm le libre quinientos pesos duros pa su gasto, y del compañero que le acompaña, pa que pueda aribar a la de Madrid por la posta, procurando tomar su recivo,
y esta sirva de recivo, los mismos que se pagaran en Madrid en su coresponsal pagando los cambios acostumbrados a lo que me obligo, juntamte mi hermo al pago,
y por ser asi el aberlos recibidos dha cantidad de quinientos pesos duros lo firmo de mi mano en esta de la fha
a 7 de Agto de 98.
Miguel Ceballos Medinaceli

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