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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1706. Carta de Gregorio Páez de Saavedra para su hermano Sebastián Páez de Saavedra.

Author(s) Gregorio Páez de Saavedra      
Addressee(s) Sebastián Páez de Saavedra      
In English

Letter from Gregorio Páez de Saavedra to his brother Sebastián Páez de Saavedra.

The author informs gives his brother news from the war and tells him how several aristocrats whom he has become friends with are confronting the conflict. He asks for news about the family.

In 1707, Simón Izquierdo, an apostolic notary, brought an action against Gregorio Páez de Saavedra following an accusation for disloyalty. The defendant requested the trial to be brought before the Military Orders Council, since he was a knight. Despite his petition, he was arrested and taken to Madrid and his properties were seized by order of Simón Izquierdo. Through the hearings of witnesses, Gregorio´s connexions and faults were exposed. On the one hand, it was found out he was the duke of Infantado´s servant, whose cattle he was taking care of; likewise, it was also emphasized his friendship with the count of Corzana, who had recommended him long before he passed through Portugal. Also, some witnesses assured that Gregorio had publically manifested his sympathy and partiality towards the archduke, whom he called Carlos III. As a result of the confiscation of his properties, several letters were seized and the defendant´s brother, Sebastián Páez, was arrested and questioned about Gregorio´s connexions. However, Gregorio argued he was innocent and blamed Simón Izquierdo of intimidating and turning the witnesses against him. There was then a proceeding against Simón Izquierdo, Bartolomé de Jaraquemada and Domingo Pacheco, who was appointed as Gregorio Páez´s seized revenues administrator. The latter run away before having to declare about his administration. Simon Izquierdo´s machinations with the witnesses were uncovered thanks to a memorial and some letters presented before the tribunal. Besides, other witnesses corroborated the previous enmity between Bartolomé de Jaraquemada and Gregorio Páez resulting from a favour of the latter with the duke of Infantado. Gregorio Páez tried to be economically compensated, claiming not only his seized properties, but also what Simón Izquierdo had spent when he used his house in Colmenar Viejo.

Sebastián Páez was questioned about the letter transcribed in here and declared it contained the account of the enemy troops passing next to Madrid and the fine treatment from the count of Corzana towards his brother. Likewise, he declared the letter was addressed to the duke of Infantado, who had asked Gregorio Páez to take care of his cattle.

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Text: -

Rezivi la que trujo Ml lobena
me alegro estes Bueno y mis sobrinas
y yo Gozamos salud Grazias a dios mui a tu servo. Aunque Con lass zozobras de los ejerzitos tan zerca cosa inaudita y no Rozgada.
Mañana creo ire a ber el de Carlos 3o que esta acanpado desde Migas Calientes esto es en las Guertas de Md p si te se a olvidado Pasando el Rio Mzs
Por las Ptes que debe de coger 7 leguas de tiera ban Muchos a berlo q Bienen Mui Gustosos de la fama que tiene
yo me allo con el Morbo de que laCorzana es mi faborezedor y con quien trabe Grande AMistad antes de irse a Portugal
y aora Con el Maior cuidado pregunta pr mi y me enbia abrazos y Recados con sumas finezas
yo senti Mucho su ida y no cree bolberle a ver Jamas mas los Juizios de dios son Inconpreensibles
ni nadie pudo prebenir esto ni creerlo aun los q lo bemos
A mi me a dado Mucha Pena ber a Nro Rey Como anda Pobre Caballero que no a tenido una ora de sosiego desde que entro en españa
yo no se que Maxima tenga en aber abandonado y idose
en fin el tiempo nos los dira que es tanta la confusion de Cosas que se dizen que estaMos aturdidos
Cada uno se biste de su afecto conque es un caos de Mentiras lo mas que se abla
el dia que es mi sr Me a escrito Muy pr Menor faboreziendoMe de Modo que no allo Como dezirlo.
abisaMe ha llegado su exa Como esta y mi sa la duquessa que Me dize esta preñada si le as besado la Mano y Mis sobrinas que avas Mal no lo ayan echo
dimelo mui pr Menor y lo demas que se ofrezca
y dale esa a su exa en mano y dile si quiere Responder que ai con quien pues creo es el Mozo de Ros el que esta lleba.
leela y zierrala y dala luego prque beas Como me coRespondo con su exa y lo que Me faboreze
es qto se ofreze
da Mis Memorias a Mis sobrinas y lo Mesmo dize diego y ana
dios te gde muchos anos
Colmr Julio 1o de 1706 as
tu ho q tus aumtos desea Grego

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