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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Sentence view

1833. Carta de José María Pardal, capellán, para fray Ramón Villaverde, religioso franciscano.

Author(s) José María Pardal      
Addressee(s) Ramón Villaverde      
In English

Letter from José María Pardal, a chaplain, to Fray Ramón Villaverde, a Franciscan religious.

The author writes to Fray Ramón de Villaverde regarding some baptismal and confirmation certificates.

On February 15th 1834 a tumult carried out by a group of 20 or 30 Franciscans broke out in Salamanca city. They gathered at noon in a part of the city known as La Pescanta and, according to the witnesses, they indulged in several excesses involving women, insults and seditious shouting against the Isabelline monarchy. They reacted violently against the neighbours who tried to reproach their attitude, chasing them and throwing them stones. At night, they gathered in the Plaza Mayor and kept committing excesses, reaching the point of hurting an artilleryman. When the authorities tried to apprehend them, some of them resisted and tried to escape. However, they were all arrested. Among those detained were Fray Ramón Villaverde, who denied many of the charges made against him, such as the scandalous dealings with women; or Fray Ramón Veloso, who helped the latter when he tried to escape. The convents where the friars lived were searched by the authorities; seizing knives, several letters and the rapier the artilleryman was hurt with. The letters were not used in the trial since their content, eminently familiar, did not help to clarify the criminal offences. Nevertheless, one of the investigating judges decided to make a bundle of letters and add it to the rest of the proceeding documentation. The friars were condemned to various sentences. In Fray Ramón Villaverde and Fray Ramón Veloso´s case, they were sentenced to four year´s imprisonment in Ceuta, where they should serve in the hospital.

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Alba y Julio 30 de 1833
Mi estimado Fr Ramon
Celebramos tu buena salud que nos anuncias en tu mui estimada que se Recivio el correo del savado proximo pasado, en la que pides las Certificaciones de Bautismo y Confirmacion,
a cuyo fin Paso ayer tu hermana a casa del cura de Baño y por hallarse en cama y no tener qn le escriviese se vino sin ella,
quedan de Remitirlas oy por tu madrina,
esta Certificacion puede que no sea de servicio, por quanto no consta en ella tu Difunta madre pero en este caso, deves acudir al Guardian de Ciudad Rodrigo, que te mande una Copia a la letra de la que consta de las informaciones que se hizieron para la toma de Abito, que alli consta Justificada ser tu Difunta madre Maria Ana Vilaverde
Celebramos mucho el que te Ordenes y llegues al Presviterado que deseas para que mejor lleguen al Alma de tu Difunta Madre tus Peticiones.
a consequencia de la que has escrito al P Difinidor Acuña, escrivi al Ro P General Pidiendo en primer lugar, tu traslacion a esta Provincia,
y en caso que por haora no pueda verificarse, a lo menos se te mande a estudiar Antes en el proximo Curso,
de lo que me conteste, te avisare, como tu deves hacerlo si se verifica alguna disposicion por esa en orden a ello
si se verifica tu yda a Valladolid a tomar ordenes y pasar a ver al P Puga dale mil afectos de mi Parte y dos mil de la de tu hermana.
nada mas tenemos que decirte, solo que Recivas muchas memorias de tu Abuelo, y tu tio Felipe, y de tu hermana el corazon quedando tuyo tu affectissimo Amigo que te estima y desea tus aumentos
Josef Maria Pardal R P Fr Ramon Vilaverde.

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