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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Sentence view

1703. Carta de Bartolomé de Ocampo y Mata, obispo de Plasencia, para José Durán Hinojal

Author(s) Bartolomé de Ocampo y Mata      
Addressee(s) José Durán de Hinojal      
In English

Letter from Bartolomé José de Ocampo y Mata, the bishop of Plasencia, to José Durán de Hinojal

The author instructs José Durán on how to conduct himself regarding the grain sale and lets him know he will review the accounts from previous sales.

In 1704, José Gregorio de Rojas, the new bishop of Plasencia, sued the executor of the former bishop´s properties. He wanted him to bear the costs from the reparations of the bishopric´s houses and palaces. Several buildings from the Episcopal dignity located in Plasencia, Béjar, Piornal and Jaraicejo; were in a dilapidated condition. These problems were not new, in 1692 a similar lawsuit had been lodged and it was rendered void. A thorough examination was commissioned by the new bishop in order to determine the state of the different palaces and houses, as well as the former bishop´s management for all these matters. In the inquiry carried out regarding Jaraicejo´s buildings, one of the witnesses, José Durán Hinojal, presented several letters which proved the deceased bishop´s attempts to do the essential repairs.

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Text: -

Estimo mucho saber de su salud de vm q essa se la deseo con buena vold
y aqui vamos pasdo aunq hace gran calor.
En venta de granos haga vm lo q le parezca como en suyo pues tenemos tanta satisfazon de Po de Salas.
Y en iendo a Plassa donde traygo otras dos, o mas obras vere lo que puedo hacer en esta, q en los spolios anteztes se tasaria y Duro se ha quedado con todo
a mi me tiene vm a su servo con todo afecto
Gde Dios a vm ms as
Cassas Agto 30 de 1703
B l m de Vmd su servor Barme Obpo de Plassa

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