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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


[1530]. Billete de Antonio de Medrano, cura, para su hermano Bernardino Díaz de Medrano.

Autor(es) Antonio de Medrano      
Destinatario(s) Bernardino Díaz de Medrano      
In English

Note from Antonio de Medrano to his brother Bernardino Díaz de Medrano.

The author asks his brother Bernardino Díaz de Medrano to send him to the jail certain foods and books.

The defendant in this process was Antonio de Medrano, a priest in Navarrete and Fuenmayor (La Rioja). In 1526, he was accused by the Inquisition of Logroño of making heretical propositions. Because of this, he was condemned to abjure de levi and to pay 100 gold ducats. He was also forbidden from preaching in private homes and from delivering the communion to minors. Four years later, he was again accused by the Inquisition, this time in Toledo, and his crimes here were the practice of "alumbrismo" and epicureanism. He was forced to abjure de vehementi in a public auto de fé and to the suspension of his priesthood for two years, and condemned to perpetual reclusion in a monastery.

The notes sent by Antonio de Medrano to his brother Bernardino Díaz de Medrano, asking him to take him certain foods and tools to the jail, were handed over to the prosecutor of the Holy Office, who joined them to the proceedings as a proof of the epicureanism of the accused, because these notes allegedly proved that he was interested only in eating and drinking well.

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señor embienos los çapatos q esta e la posada. y enbienos medya mano de papel, y el carbo q de aqui adelante ebyare sea carbo suave y no como el de asta aqui. y el carnero q ebyare q sea de algunos primalejos pequeños y holgaria q conprase un par de gallynas oy pues es mercado para q a comer me eche un quartillo q estoy ta mal comedor q solo dyos lo sabe y lo q como quiero echar las tripas con llo porq tengo el estomago muy Rebuelto q lo q ebya a maravilla vyene de bye guisado. y pa esta tarde sy quyere puede ebyar turbmas como suele o lo q el madare. y negoçie sy es posible como salgamos de aqui presto. y ebyenos vyno tynto y sy es posible q sea mejor q lo de ast aqui y queria q vyniese e una bota porq en l barril stragase. y la blybia o marco aurelio nos ebie.



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