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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


[1569]. Carta de Juana Ortiz para su hermano Juan Ortiz, zapatero.

Autor(es) Juana Ortiz      
Destinatario(s) Juan Ortiz      
In English

Letter from Juana Ortiz to his brother Juan Ortiz, shoemaker.

The author warns his brother that he is going to be denounced and he advises him to get a good lawyer.

The lawsuit was brought between 1569 and 1570 against Juan Ortiz, from Mombeltrán (Ávila), for dishonesty. The accused was eventually condemned. The accused was denounced to the Inquisition tribunal because during Shrovetide he disguised himself with a plate and started kissing the townsfolk saying "donate something for Saint Lucia". This letter was sent him by his sister, Juana Ortiz, with a note attached. In the note, Juana Ortiz warned his brother that he would be denounced and he advised him to get a good lawyer. The letter and the certificate have been treated as separate documents: PS6131 and PS6132, respectively.

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Mira que por aca hernã velazquez a tomado información sobre un neguocio quando unas carnesToliendas anduvistes cubierto con una tablita dando a besar a las gentes diziendo dad pa santa luzia. por aca dizẽ que tienẽ informaciõ hecha vos mira vuestra concieça si lo hizistes o no y si podeis dar algunos desgarguos en el neguocio porq os va la vida y la onrra y no os burleis con el neguoçio porq es caso de inquisiçiõ y acõsejaos un buẽ letrado y eso haze y no otra cosa y en cõfisiõ os descubri d este neguoçio



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