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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1833. Carta no autógrafa de Felipe Arribas para su sobrino fray Ramón Villaverde, religioso franciscano.

Author(s) Felipe Arribas      
Addressee(s) Ramón Villaverde      
In English

Unsigned letter from Felipe Arribas to his nephew, Fray Ramón Villaverde, a Franciscan religious.

The author writes to his nephew, Fray Ramón Villaverde, expressing his sorrow and concern for how his mother´s passing away has affected him.

On February 15th 1834 a tumult carried out by a group of 20 or 30 Franciscans broke out in Salamanca city. They gathered at noon in a part of the city known as La Pescanta and, according to the witnesses, they indulged in several excesses involving women, insults and seditious shouting against the Isabelline monarchy. They reacted violently against the neighbours who tried to reproach their attitude, chasing them and throwing them stones. At night, they gathered in the Plaza Mayor and kept committing excesses, reaching the point of hurting an artilleryman. When the authorities tried to apprehend them, some of them resisted and tried to escape. However, they were all arrested. Among those detained were Fray Ramón Villaverde, who denied many of the charges made against him, such as the scandalous dealings with women; or Fray Ramón Veloso, who helped the latter when he tried to escape. The convents where the friars lived were searched by the authorities; seizing knives, several letters and the rapier the artilleryman was hurt with. The letters were not used in the trial since their content, eminently familiar, did not help to clarify the criminal offences. Nevertheless, one of the investigating judges decided to make a bundle of letters and add it to the rest of the proceeding documentation. The friars were condemned to various sentences. In Fray Ramón Villaverde and Fray Ramón Veloso´s case, they were sentenced to four year´s imprisonment in Ceuta, where they should serve in the hospital.

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Page 32r

Pontevedra Enero 8 de 1833

Mi mas estimado Sobrino La Carta que en tu nombre me escribio el Reverdo P Fr Santo Vizente, me causo grande tristeza, pues cuan-do juzgaba asi como tus demas tios y Abuelo, que te conformarias con la voluntad de Dios, como buen Religioso, beo que tratas de sepultar-te, yo conozco que el amor de un hijo para con su madre es muy gran-de, pero no se me oculta que cuando dios dispone su destino es preciso conformarse con su santa voluntad, asi pues espero que reflexionando esto mismo te disuadiras de todo y alejaras de ti la enfermedad que padezes.

Tu ermana esta muy desconsolada por la noticia de dha Carta pero procuramos nosotros consolarla, esta en su compañia su madrina sin separarse de ella un momento y de noche ba dormir alli uno de los tios, procurando nosotros asi como el Abuelo dar unas bueltas, pero vive seguro que no hay en ella novedad ni la habra espero en dios, recive de ella muchas memorias asi como de tus tios y Abuelo, quienes asi como yo rogamos a dios por tu salud y manda en lo qe gustes a tu tio que de corazon te ama

Felipe Arribas

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