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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1688. Carta de Pedro Cayetano Fernández del Campo, marqués de Mejorada, para su tío Diego Ventura Fernández de Angulo, obispo de Ávila.

Author(s) Pedro Cayetano Fernández del Campo      
Addressee(s) Diego Ventura Fernández de Angulo      
In English

Letter from Pedro Cayetano Fernández del Campo, marquis of Mejorada, to his uncle Diego Ventura Fernández de Angulo, the bishop of Ávila.

The author rejoices at his uncle´s good health and congratulates him for the good work in certain business.

In 1700 the marquis of Mejorada made a claim against the plundering of his uncle´s properties. He demanded the recovery of some silver jewellery he had lent to his uncle, the bishop of Ávila, on the latter´s appointment as Ambassador Extraordinary to the Court of Lisbon. The litigation was followed in the General Court by the reeve of Ávila, who found in favour of the marquis declaring he had to be compensated for the amount he had lent. However, the prosecutor of Castile´s Apostolic Camera appealed to the Council of Castile for avoiding having to pay. In order to substantiate their position, they provided two letters written by the marquis to his uncle containing an agreement with regard to the silver. In addition to these two letters, the proceeding documentation contains two hundred letters written between 1683 and 1691 which were reviewed during the plundering. In 1705, both parties kept submitting claims. The marquis wanted the sentence in his favour to be ratified and the prosecution wanted to avoid the required payment.

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Page 141r

Illmo Sor

Mi señor y mi tio muy suplicado es el gusto en que me dejan sus dos cartas de VS I de 20 y 27 del pasado que rezivo juntas zelebrando en ambas el buen estado de la salud de VS I a que correspondo con la notizia de q por aca se logra el mismo venefo continuandose muy felizmte el preñado de la Marquesa

Mucho me alegro de que VS I haya conseguido de Iñigo lo q yo no esperava de el y mientras el no ynstare bien zierto es q yo no able en ello, razon tubiera VS I de estar mal con mi obedienzia en el embio de la rezeta de las pildoras si el haver muchos q Phelipe se desconzerto un pie porq ha estado detenido en la cama sin poder levantarse a sacarla de la confusion de sus papeles no fuera la causa de la detenzion; pero ya esta mejor conque brevemte saldremos de este gran negozio Nro Sor gde a VS I como deseo y he mr Md 5 de febro 1688

B l m de VS I su mas Rendo sobro y fiel amigo Cayetano Sor Obpo mi tio.

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