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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1746. Carta del doctor Domingo Antonio de Angulo y Callejo para su tío Francisco Callejo, mercader

Author(s) Domingo Antonio de Angulo y Callejo      
Addressee(s) Francisco del Callejo Haedo      
In English

Letter from Domingo Antonio de Angulo y Callejo to his uncle Francisco Callejo, a trader.

The author asks his uncle to send him more money for his livelihood, given that what he has received until now is not enough to pay his expenses. He informs him he is needing clothes, which is damaging his reputation.

In May 1751, Domingo Antonio de Angulo y Callejo initiated a litigation against Antonio Merino, a canon from the collegiate church of Toro. Antonio Merino had been the administrator of the profits in the vicinity since 1735, and Domingo Angulo y Callejo asked to be updated of the profits and loss accounts ever since. Antonio Merino stated that the output had always been handed over to Domingo´s uncle, Francisco Callejo, who had managed the student´s maintenance during his University studies and before it. Given that Francisco Callejo had passed away, it was his widow, María Antonia de Castro, who faced her nephew´s claim. The money claimed totalled 12900 reals due to the discrepancies between the profits and what was handed over to the rightful beneficiary. María Antonia de Castro argued that her husband not only had borne (together with his brother) all of Domingo´s expenses during his whole education but also had paid for the licence that allowed the plaintiff the ownership of the profits. In order to prove the truth of what she asserted and her husband´s periodical money deliveries, she presented several receipts and twelve letters before the court. Despite the widow and the administrator´s allegations the court ruled in favour of Domingo de Angulo y Callejo, who had to be compensated by the defendants, although he had to bear the legal costs.

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Page 272r > 272v

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en punto de Ropa Vlanca no digo a Vm mas si no es que a mas de un mes que no me la quito por no tener que mudarme, conque asi aviseme vm de si

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