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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1785. Carta de Pedro Pimentel Ortiz de Melo e Castro Brito do Rio para João António de Sequeira.

Author(s) Pedro Pimentel Ortiz de Melo e Castro Brito do Rio      
Addressee(s) João António Sequeira      
In English

After the liberal revolution in Portugal, the state centralized the Art education by merging the teaching of Fine Arts and of Mechanic Arts. The Lisbon National Academy of Fine Arts was founded in this context in 1836 and was inaugurated in the following year. It occupied the building of the extinct Monastery of São Francisco, where a library of thousands of volumes was also available. Although its history was obviously made of changes, the Academy maintained a strong cultural, pedagogical and honorific vocation. Besides forming new artists, the Academy always gave scholarships and prizes and saw to the publication of reference works.

The documentation that we publish from its archival funds belong to a donation made in 1902 by António TomásPires (1850-1913), an ethnographer, writer, politician, and member of the National Monuments committee. He assembled documents from the 16th to the 19th century, among which many private and family letters.

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Snr Joam Antonio de Siqueira

Em 10 do mes passado rce duas cartas de vm de 24 de Junho e 28 de Julho do corre anno: eu sinto todo o seu trabo e molestia com tam comtinuadas fadigas, Ds queira permitir que vm esteja com os alivios que lhe apeteço e que com perfeita saude e a Ilustrissma sra D Maria ma sra me detretreminem occaziõns de obedecerlhe; a qm nós mto agradecemos o gosto com que receberão a notca de nesta sua caza terem mais cro.

Aqui fui entregue dos 5 cos de pano alvadio chapeo de pello, e hũa abotuadura de perolla digo de galam de pratta tudo bom, e igualmte os dous cortes de seda pa mas cunhadas tambem de mto bom gosto: a demazia que vay dos 15.200 remitidos pa a da seda me fará vmce me carregallos em nossa conta prque ellas não tem agora com que paguem e eu ainda que pobre pouco animo de avitalla e menos de pedilla, e Ds sabe se podia ter esta bezarria; e mais na preze occaziam.

Na preze estação estamos amiessados de hũa fome

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