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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1833. Carta de Antonio Ramón González Espuela, arrendatario, para Juan Quijano, apoderado del marqués de Santa Cruz.

Autor(es) Antonio Ramón González Espuela      
Destinatario(s) Juan Quijano      
In English

Letter from Antonio Ramón González Espuela, a tenant, to Juan Quijano, representative of the marquis of Santa Cruz.

Antonio Ramón González Espuela writes Juan Quijano, representative of the marquis of Santa Cruz, to ask him if he has been informed about the occupation of the lands he rents by other residents of the town.

Antonio Ramón González Espuela, tenant of lands owned by the marquis of Santa Cruz, was accused of occupying communal lands. To defend himself from this accusation, he requested information from the representative of his lessor, Juan Quijano. In 1834, the Tribunal of Madrid ruled in favour of the marquis of Santa Cruz, as the actual owner of the land.

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