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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1695. Carta de Marcos de Golardo para Francisco Galvete y Andueta.

Author(s) Marcos de Golardo      
Addressee(s) Francisco Galvete y Andueta      
In English

Letter from Marcos de Golardo to Francisco Galvete y Andueta.

The author writes Francisco Galvete to express his condolences for the death of the brother of the addressee, and to give him instructions about economic matters.

In 1717, Pedro Galvete brought a lawsuit against Lucas Ignacio de Samaniego y Jaca, demanding from him the money he was entitled to as the heir of the entail founded by Francisco Galvete, his grandfather. The testament of Francisco Galvete stated that the entail was to be inherited by his firstborn, José, the father of Ana María. When José died, the entail was inherited by Ana María Galvete and her husband, Lucas Ignacio. But the testament stated also that Pedro Galvete and his heirs were entitled to a lifelong income of 100 ducats. Ana María and her husband did not pay him this income, alleging that they have too many debts, and this was the cause of the lawsuit. In the first instance, Ana María and Lucas tried to question the legitimacy of Pedro, but this was proved false, and the court ruled in favour of Pedro. They appealed the sentence, and in the second instance they tried to demonstrate that the entail was in ruins and that they have many debts. Eventually, they were sentenced to pay an annual income of 30 ducats to Pedro, because the value of the entail had diminished, and other minor sums. Moreover, they had to pay the costs of the trial, all the outstanding debt, and a fine. All the letters were joined to the proceedings as proofs, along with the documentation.

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