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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

[1570]. Carta de Andrés de Cepeda Negrete, calcetero y soldado, para su esposa Isabel Álvarez.

Autor(es) Andrés de Cepeda Negrete      
Destinatario(s) Isabel Álvarez      
In English

Letter from Andrés de Cepeda Negrete, a stockinger and soldier, to his wife Isabel Álvarez.

The author threatens his wife Isabel Álvarez to kill her as a revenge for having been unfaithful to him and for having falsely accused him.

The defendant of this process was Andrés Cepeda Negrete, a stockinger and soldier. In 1566, he was accused of the crime of bigamy by the Inquisition of Toledo for having married twice: first with Constanza de Esquivel in Malaga, in 1552, and then with Isabel Álvarez in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) in 1563. Eventually, he was forced to abjure de levi in a public auto de fé, and sentenced to eight years of rowing in the galleys. In 1570, he was accused again for the breach of the sentence, and he was sentenced to ten years of exile, rowing in the galleys.

The letters that Andrés de Cepeda Negrete wrote to Isabel Álvarez were handed over to the Holy Office by the addressee, who was afraid of her husband's threats, as a proof that he was in Granada, free.

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mala mujer

nunca pense q tubierades tan grande

atrebimiento de osarme esqrebir tan
descalcamente y sin berguença la be
llaca entincion q teneis pero al fin sois
de Ruin casta y no podiades haçer si
no como de la casta donde benis al fin
bos y los buestos os teneis por mas onRa
dos de q bos seais puta de frailes y qle
rigos y estar amançebada con ese Judio
de madrid calcetero q no de ser mi mujer
y si bos os abeis Rebuelto con las hijas de
murçia q son tan grandes putas como bos
seria sobre algunos celos de salmeronçillo
o de otros galanes con qien bos y esotras pu
tas tratais deçis tanbien q traeis pleito
en madrid sera achaqe para yros a caba
lgar a madrid con mateo sanchez el cal
cetero porq el pleito no pende en madr
id para q bos lo sigais alla y entende q
buestras maldades no no son seqretas si
no mui publicas y q las saben los ninos y
perros y gatos y la puta bieja de buesa ma
dre y ermanos q son buestros alcaguetes
y encobridores ellos me lo pagaran tan

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