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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1706. Carta de Manuel Carvalho Marques para Diogo da Silva de Gouveia e Abreu, juiz de fora.

Author(s) Manuel Carvalho Marques      
Addressee(s) Diogo da Silva de Gouveia e Abreu      
In English

Private letter from Manuel Carvalho Marques to Diogo da Silva de Gouveia e Abreu, judge.

The author notifies the recipient that the archbishop of Évora has ordered an inquest against him and offers to serve the recipient where necessary, ensuring that many people in his village are on his side.

The defendant in this case is Diogo da Silva de Gouveia e Abreu, judge in the town of Torrão, arrested by the Inquisition on February 22, 1707, for activities contrary to the Catholic faith. The judge had a lawsuit with the justice of Évora on matters of the finances and royal jurisdiction, causing the displeasure of a bishop who resisted justice. The situation resulted in his excommunication by the archbishop of Évora and the launching of an inquest against him by the Ecclesiastical Court, which charged him with fabricated crimes, using, as witnesses against him, people whom Diogo da Silva de Gouveia e Abreu had punished in the execution of the royal justice, and others who were summoned for that purpose. These witnesses accused him of mocking the excommunication and of ignoring it, continuing to go to mass, to say bad things about the archbishop of Évora and to declare that he would obey only the king. The letters found in his process were presented by the defendant as proof of what has been said in a petition he made to the Holy Office. The process contains no sentence.

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Sor Dor Do da silva de gouveia e abreu

Toda A boa saude q vmce em esa corte pe-

suir a sabera apladir como quem sabe a vmce
dezejarlhe a milhor dispozisão, eu a tenho pa
cervir a vmce e me oferesso em a sua obidiensia como
seu maor obrigado


Sor como da fortuna a sua maor

pose he hũa volta não he Mto q o o illustrissi
mo sor Arsebispo o quera a vmce com tam pouqua
rezão trazer em volta com tam gradesissimo e se isso
como esta mostrando nas tensois com q tam rigurozo
se mostra contra vmce mas tenha vmce mta comsola
são q Ds a de premetir em aclarar a sua ver-
dade pa com ella mostrar a todos quanto sem cul-
pa se lhe fas a vmce estas coizas notavel sem-
timto me acompanha o não me achar em esta va
quando vmce se rezolveu a fazer a jornada pa
essa corte pa q ao menos acompanhase a vmce
mas ja q a minha ventura não foi essa conhessa
me tem vmce em esta va a seu dispor pa tudo o
q este meu limitado prestimo valer. o agravo
de vmce não vai porq ainda não acharão tempo
em evora de a vmce se lhe remetre e o porpio ainda
lla esta cudo q esperando por elle ja quis man-
dar outro porpio por elle mas suponho se lhe fa
ra o mesmo, pois estam todos estes senhores ecla-
ziasticos contra vmce como se esta mostrando no seu

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