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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1779]. Carta de Maria Helena Mexia Galvão de Sousa, recolhida num convento, para o irmão Gaspar Francisco de Sousa.

Author(s) Maria Elena Mexia Galvão de Sousa      
Addressee(s) Gaspar Francisco de Sousa      
In English

Family letter from Maria Helena Mexia Galvão de Sousa, secluded in a convent, to her brother Gaspar Francisco de Sousa.

The author gives her brother some advice and tells him that she was surprised by the tone of his last letter, since she noticed in it that there had been a third party intervention.

On January 23, 1779, Gaspar Francisco Mexia Galvão de Sousa was made a prisoner in the Tower of São Julião da Barra at the request of his brother, Lourenço Anastácio Mexia Galvão de Sousa. After a few months, also following a request of his brother, the communication between Gaspar and the priest Sebastião Luís da Silveira, his friend and solicitor, was interdicted. When he knew about this impediment, the priest directed a request to the Ministry of the Kingdom so that he could communicate again with Gaspar. The applicant includes in the process a number of documents, including certificates of witnesses who claim that father Sebastião is a person of trust, and also letters that he received from Gaspar and Maria Elena (a sister of the prisoner), and three letters sent to Gaspar by a cousin (Bartolomeu de Sousa Mexia). These documents are intended to prove that all these people consider that it was Lourenço who planned the detention of his brother, so as to take his share of the inheritance. Maria Elena, sister of both, was not a threat to Lourenço's plans to become the sole heir of their parents, since she lived in a convent as a recluse. Gaspar would be freed later that year, going to live at his brother Lourenço.

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Meu Gaspar e Mano do C Estimo deverte

o favor de q não sou mudavel, e q julgaces qui
mera o q te deziam, q inda q tiveces defeitos, a
ti deria o q me parecesse mas não a qm mais
te morteficasse e Como em toda oCazião sabes
o q me tens devido não digo mais q não gosto de
vender finezas qdo satisfasso a mia amize Eu
tãobem tenho tido varias cartas sem nome a
miassos não faltarão mas como qm não deve não
teme intreguei tudo ao meu Sto Anto e fiquei cer
ta avia valernos pois a inocencia sempre chama
pela justissa, a carta q me remetes eu a man
dei fazer pa saber se te tinhão no avizo p
privado da mia Comresponda q a ser de L
cendo o portador ciguro podias alargarte na es-
crita e a resposta qdo a recebi me fes descomfiar
L ta tinha notado, emfim Como te não perju
dicou o passado, passado, e á vista tãobem não te
nho pouco q ditar, não me agradessas se não o mto
cuido q me tens devido, e grdes aflições, e a tua
prizão fes-me doente não q foce Como L pintou
mas deome febre pelo Repente da nota e por es-

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