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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Syntactic Trees

[1545]. Carta de Dona Margarida de Alcáçova para o seu irmão, Pedro de Alcáçova Carneiro, secretário de estado.

Autor(es) Margarida de Alcáçova      
Destinatario(s) Pedro de Acáçova Carneiro      
In English

Family letter from Dona Margarida de Alcáçova to her brother, Pedro de Alcáçova Carneiro, principal secretary

The author tells her brother about her husband's illness.

This letter was found in the collection Coleção de Cartas (within Cartas Missivas and Other Documents) which collects, in 4 packs, loose documents of uncertain or incomplete date. The contextualization of each letter is done using information from the letter itself. The author and the addressee of the letter were two of the five children (from his first marriage) of António Carneiro, principal secretary of Dom Manuel I. Dona Margarida de Alcáçova was married to Rui Mendes de Vasconcelos (6th lord of Figueiró) , with whom she had two children.


I carry with me such extreme feelings that I feel lost, because I feel the pleasure of you telling me that you will come here and, but I also feel the suffering of knowing that Rui Mendes is not better of his illness, and he asks you to send him a physician that has cured him once. I don’t know how competent he is now. After coming back, he had a serious cough that made him so hoarse that he couldn’t speak and with such the throat so weird that he couldn’t swallow. Since yesterday, he has been having a discharge in his right arm and his left leg, and it doesn’t get better, and that is why he doesn’t write to you. If you find dates, please send me some, because people say they are good for the throat. Rui Mendes and I kiss your hands and we ask you that, when you come to see us, please warn us one or two days in advance, because the land requires so.

Dona Margarida d'Alcáçova»

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Sentence s-2 traguo comyguo dous estremos tam comtrayros que nam sey de mym parte porque deles he de prazer de me Vosa merçe mamdar dyzer q a de vyr qua e ho outro de paixam de nom ter nenhua melhorya a doemca de ruy mez q le mamda buscar la fysyqo que ho ja la curou hũa vez
Sentence s-3 he agora la nam sey que tal he
Sentence s-4 depois q de la veo teve grande tose deyxouo tam rouquo que nom pode falar he ho papo tam esqozydo que nom pode ẽgolyr
Sentence s-5 d omtẽ pa qua ho tomou ho corymẽto no braço dyreyto e na pna esquerda que nom dũra nem asesegua e por ysto nom escve a vosa merçe
Sentence s-6 se la se acharem tamaras fazame merçe de me mamdar huas pouquas porq dyzem que sam boãs pa ho papo

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