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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Syntactic Trees

[1549]. Carta de Rojas, pseudónimo de Miguel de Villalpando, boticario, para Francisco Álvarez, mercader.

Autor(es) Miguel de Villalpando      
Destinatario(s) Francisco Álvarez      
In English

Letter from Rojas, pseudonym of Miguel de VillalPando, an apothecary, to Francisco Álvarez, a merchant.

The author requires Francisco Álvarez to return him the money that he had given to two men, thinking that they would help him avoid to be reported to the Inquisition.

The defendant in this process was Miguel de Villalpando, an apothecary. In 1549 he was accused of bigamy by the Inquisition Tribunal in Toledo for having married twice: firstly, in 1542, with Francisca de Ribera in Guadalajara, and then, in 1548, with Catalina de Pablos o Rojas in Zaragoza. It was also discovered that he pretended to be a secretary of the Holy Office in order to commit frauds. This letter was handed over to the tribunal by the addressee, and it was joined to the proceedings as a proof. The author admitted having written it using a pseudonym to hide his true identity. Eventually, the defendant was forced to make a public penance during an auto de fé, and was sentenced to one hundred lashes and to perpetual banishment from the city and the inquisitorial district of Toledo.

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Sentence s-2 bista la buena hobra q yo por bos e cho y el mal galardon q me abeis dado ubiendo puesto de mi cassa y no mirado lo q co bos señor se podia y todos podiamos ganar co sola la ynformaçio q la guespeda me dio q fue acserme aser lo q no debia avra buena criaça
Sentence s-3 porq lo q yo yze no mereçia lo q bos señor abeis echo
Sentence s-4 y por no ser largo hos rruego y abisso me ynbia hotra e lo q mas quisieredes los seis ducados q yo por vro bien e adelantado tubiendo creydo q en un casso de honrra como este se me abia de doblar en espeçial tubiendo tanta hazienda y quisiendohosla guardar a bos y a ella de peligro
Sentence s-5 y no aguardes a cosejos porq aqui no ynportan sino q antes hos ara mal
Sentence s-6 yo m estoy en la cama de puro enojo de mi mismo aguardando vra rrespuesta pa q con lo q areys hobrare yo co muha rrazon
Sentence s-7 yo como digo no are mas de aguardar vro si ho no y yrme porq ay hotro qazer

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