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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Syntactic Trees

[1667]. Billete no autógrafo de Inés Martín de Lobares, costurera y maestra de niñas, para su hija María González.

Autor(es) Inés Martín de Lobares      
Destinatário(s) María González      
In English

Note dictated by Inés Martín de Lobares, seamstress and teacher, and sent to her daughter María González.

The author asks her daughter to give the boy who is carrying the message some objects, which she needs in order to prepare a remedy.

The accused in this process was Inés Martín de Lobares, seamstress and teacher. In 1668 she was accused of sorcery and superstition by the Inquisition Tribunal of Toledo. Witnesses testified that she did incantation to find lost objects and that she was a healer. Cristóbal Fernández, a boy who was thirteen years old, handed over this message as a proof. He declared that Inés Martín de Lobares had dictated it to him to ask her daughter some objects, which she needed in order to prepare a remedy. Eventually, the accused was reprehended, she was prohibited to do magical practises, and she was condemned to two years of banishment, during which she had to remain at a minimum distance of six leagues from Madrid, Peñalsordo (Badajoz), Sancti-Spíritus (Badajoz), Guadalmez (Ciudad Real) and Zarza Capilla (Badajoz).

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Frase s-2 su madre de buesa merçed me enbia a que me de los antojos como estan aRebueltos y la Red qu esta en el arca y el obillo del hilo blanco
Frase s-3 y que se lo apañe bien no se le cayga
Frase s-4 alli en el fuego en un abujero esta un papelito que se le aRebuelba no se le cayga

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