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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Syntactic Trees

1550. Carta de António Ribeiro, pagem, para seu irmão Gonçalo Álvares, criado del rei.

Author(s) António Ribeiro      
Addressee(s) Gonçalo Álvares      
In English

Request letter from António Ribeiro, a pageboy, to his brother Gonçalo Álvares, a servant in the royal household.

The author asks his brother to deal with a matter for him, a matter that involves documents, and tells him that he has been acquitted by a general pardon applied to the captives.

António Ribeiro, or António de Santarém, was 13 when in May 1547 he went to the Inquisition to declare he had been raped by Gaspar Mulato in Santarém. He had screamed and shouted so that he would be left alone, and went away crying. Later, two other acquaintances of Gaspar Mulato had invited him "to sin with them" but they didn't molest him. Nevertheless, he was convicted by the Inquisition and banished to Coimbra. Two years later he received a permission to marry Catarina Figueiredo, the maid of Garcia de Sá. According to this letter to his brother, he benefitted from a general pardon in 1550.

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Sentence s-2 não tenho mãdado o estromẽto a vosa merçe mais sedo porque me paReceo q fosemos la e agora que veo o Recouveyro e não trouxe Recado pa yrmos, o pus loguo po obra e o tiRey
Sentence s-3 la o mãdo a vm.
Sentence s-4 fasame vm merçe que se acabe este negoçio o mais sedo q puder
Sentence s-5 quãto he da allsovição que me vm na sua mãdou pedir eu não tiRey asollvição q por huã bula dos cativos q eu tinha me asollverão
Sentence s-6 e como for feyto mãdeme Recado e mãdeme dizer omde pouza poque me paRese que se avia de mudar agora polo são Jo poq como seu Recado vir loguo la são vm pa de mỹ fazer o q sua vomtade for/
Sentence s-7 muitas vezes escreveRia a vm mas po as cartas não yrẽ ter la a casa o não faso
Sentence s-13 sõr farmaa m darme aquesta carta q vay a de vosa m casa do bispo d ãgra a huũ seu capelão

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