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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1801]. Carta de María Arriaga para fray Felipe de los Rubielos, franciscano descalzo.

Author(s) María Arriaga      
Addressee(s) Felipe de los Rubielos      
In English

Letter from María Arriaga to Fr Felipe de los Rubielos, a barefoot Franciscan.

The author apologises to Fray Felipe de los Rubielos for not having written before. She regrets her fickle character and offers him accommodation in his next visit to Toledo.

Following an accusation for «alumbrados» against María Isabel Herráiz, the Blessed of Villar del Águila, a trial took place between 1802 and 1808. The trial broadened to include many other people accused of being complicit in her delusions. Maria Isabel Herráiz believed that Jesus Christ was within her and, as a result, she would not take communion. Some of the other accused stated that they could see Jesus as a child appearing on her chest. When she renounced the faith she admitted her mistakes. All the signs, visions and revelations she had received as true and given by God, were the work of an evil spirit. She also blamed this evil spirit for tricking her into believing that the Lord had materialized in her body in order to accomplish an overall reformation and to establish a new apostleship. She declared she had to die in Rome and ascend into heaven three days afterwards, and these facts were announced in the Apocalypse and other sacred books. Maria Isabel Herráiz also argued that the Devil was to blame for all these thoughts, since her imagination had been transformed and warmed by him. She admitted that her accomplices were looked for and incited by her. In her statement, she argued that she did not make a pact with the Devil, but she was possessed by him. Furthermore, she admitted to allowing worship of herself, although she insisted it was all a diabolical artifice. According to her, she was blameless regarding the uproar in the village. Apparently there were disturbances among her followers, the «endiablados». Fray Felipe Rubielos was among Maria Isabel Herráiz’s apostles. The superscript is striked-through.

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Toledo 25 de Agosto
Vivan Jesus Maria y Joseph

Mi mas querido y estimado Pa

dre en el Señor me gozare mui
mucho disfrute Vm perfecta sa
lud la mia aunqe no es mucha si
empre esta a la disposicion de Vm.
Padre no e scrito antes porqe no e po
dido bien lo save dios pues quisiera ha
cer lo que Vm, por tanto nunca tenga
Vm queja aunque de todos modos soi
ingrata para con Vm pero no puede o
tra cosa mi mucha maldad pero pasan
do en silencio mucho que en esto pudie
ra decir paso a responder a lo qe Vm me
dice en la suya, en quanto a lo qe Vm
me dice de su venida a toledo no lo vere
yo pues me pareze qe el sr no quiere
que tenga gusto alguno pero en todo
caso no se qe responder a lo qe Vm me
dice de darle a Vm palabra de hacer
lo que Vm me mande pues Vm puede co
nocer mi respuesta qual puede ser
pero que tengo decir pues soi tan mala
y tan inscostante qe en siendo cosa vue
na nada cumplo, lo qe digo a Vm con toda ver
dad qe en caso qe llege la venida de Vm sera u
na alegria con mucho sentimiento pues lo
qe yo quisiera fuera poder ospedarle a Vm
en casa, y aun con todo eso no pagava a Vm
su mucha caridad y grande favor, aunqe

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