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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Visualización por frase

[1817]. Carta de Josefa Viana de Campos para o seu amante, Jacinto Júlio de Queirós Moura, estudante.

Autor(es) Josefa Viana de Campos      
Destinatario(s) Jacinto Júlio de Queirós Moura      
In English

Love letter from Josefa Viana de Campos to her lover, Jacinto de Queirós Moura, student.

The author arranges for a meeting with her lover.

Jacinto Júlio de Queirós Moura, a law student, and Josefa Viana de Campos, her lover, are accused of adultery. Jacinto is also accused of attempting to murder Josefa’s husband. The letters exchanged between the lovers were used as evidence of adultery.

«My sweet one, I had a conversation with Maria regarding your coming. We both decided that it could be as we had planned, despite the fact that the little girl is very sick and the doctor came to the house to see her. But, changes can be done and you can move too, if necessary. I say that no one can assume that you visit her during the day, especially having Maria on our side; I say we should take advantage of the situation while… However, it seems better that you bring a cloak so that, if the boy isn’t downstairs, you can come up. Goodbye, my soul, my life. See you at night. I am and always by your faithful, V.»

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Texto: -

Meu doçe bem
tive huma fala com Maria a respeito da tua vinda
eu e ella asentamos de q podia ser o q temos destinado apezar de q a Menina esta bastante doente e Veio Medico vela a casa
mas pode fazerçe modança e tu tambem te podes modar sendo neçeçario
eu digo q nimgem pode prezumir q tu a visitas de dia e mto principalmte tendo nos agora a Maria pela nosa parte digo q devemos aproveitarnos da ocazião emqto... mas pareçeme mais asertado q venhas de capote porq não extando em baixo moso podes sobir
aDs ma alma ma vida
emthe a noute
So e serei a tua Constante V.

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