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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1778. Carta de Salvador Caramany y Fontdevila, cadete de infantería española, para Juan de Pujadas y Alerm, procurador.

Autor(es) Salvador Caramany y Fontdevila      
Destinatario(s) Juan de Pujades y Alerm      
In English

Letter from Salvador Caramany y Fontdevila, a Spanish infantry cadet, to Juan de Pujadas y Alerm, a solicitor.

The author explains to his solicitor, Juan de Pujadas y Alerm, he has no knowledge about certain titles from a country house that belong to his ancestors.

This case has several parts and it was initiated in 1765 between Narcisa Caramany y Fontdevila, Antonio Ros y Caramany´s widow, and her son Salvador Caramany y Fontdevila, a Spanish infantry cadet (see the case file 13768 of the same archival fond to consult the original litigation). The cause of the original litigation was the adjudication of properties from María Ros y Caramany, Salvador Caramany y Fontdevila´s paternal grandmother, once his father passed away. Salvador Caramany y Fontevidela claimed to his mother that in accordance with the dispositions in his grandmother´ will, the properties from the latter should be adjudicated to him with full rights. Therefore, Salvador Caramany y Fontevidela asked his mother to renounce all the properties she owned as a consequence of the aforementioned inheritance and give it away to him. These properties consisted in: the bakery and the Notary´s Office in the village of Bisbal del Ampurdán, the Caramany´s family house in the same village located in Riera street, the Caramany Tower in Cruïlles; and in San Pere Pescador: the Mas Can Caramany, the homestead called 'La Devesa', the homestead called 'El Cortal Nou', and a house with a bread oven, a carriage house and a garden. For her part, Narcisa Caramany y Fontdevila requested to continue being privileged trustee of all the properties her husband left until her dowry was entirely satisfied and integrated. The litigation extended until 1781.

This case file which includes the letters consists of the following parts: a) Part of food (1770): Case of María Narcisa Caramany y Fontdevila and Josep Francisco Caramany y Fontdevila against their brother Salvador Caramany y Fontdevila, the heir, for their disconformity on the stipulated amount of 400 pounds of food per year for each. The letters PS6213 and PS6214 are included in this part; b)Part of adequate endowment (1771): Case of María Narcisa Caramany y Fontdevila against her brother Salvador Caramany y Fontdevila for her disconformity on the stipulated amount of 4000 pounds as her dowry. The letters PS6215 and PS6217 are included in this part; c) Separate Part from the complaint of the lawyer Pablo Borés y Llorell (1771): Case of Pablo Borés y Llorell, Narcisa Caramany y Fontdevila´s lawyer in the main litigation, against Salvador Caramany y Fontdevila on the petition from Pablo Borés y Llorell to Salvador Caramany y Fontdevila to moderate his words in his private and public writings, since Salvador Caramany y Fontdevila has written irritating qualifications against Pablo Borés y Llorell, calling him an insolent and accusing him of a libellous conduct. The letters PS6218 and PS6225 are included in this part.

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Perpiñan ÿ 9bre 6 de 1778.
Muy Señor mio:
recivo su estimada car-ta de Vmd de 24. del pasado, que me remiten de San Pedro, â tiempo en que tenia avisado â Simon Vert de la Bisbal, que se informara con Pica de si se podrian descubrir los titulos en virtud de los quales, posseyeron mis ante-cessores el Manso Vidal de Corçá, en cuyo caso, se los remitiesse â Vmd immediatamte, pidiendo entretanto asegurar ÿ jurar, que yo jamas he savido ny encontrado alguno de ellos, como tengo dicho â Vmd antecedente-mente,
quedando â mi cargo, luego que me restituya al ampurdan, remitir â Vmd poderes particulares, ô especiales para prestar en mi nombre esse juramento ante la Real Sala, ante quien no tengo reparo en que presente Vmd mientras tanto esta mi carta, si puede ser equivalente, con ofrecimto de jurarlo en forma quando vayan los poderes, que no hago aqui, lo uno por no entrar en el engorro de traduccion, ÿ tal vez de differencia en el modo de actuar, ô dificultad en desempeñarlo estos escrivanos, segun seria necesario ÿ conforme al estilo ÿ practica de aqui
ÿ lo otro porque no puedo tardar en regressarme, por la falta que hago en San Pedro Pescador haviendome solo podido persuadir â ausentarme, las vivas ÿ repetidas instancias del abogado de aca con la esperança de una corta detencion que ya en el dia exede lo que yo havia crehido.
Tambien puede Vmd en mi nombre consentir, é instar la venta del referido Manso Vidal, en publica subasta, para pago del Dote, â cuyo fin queda designado en ynventario, acceptar la exone-ron que pide Perramon, del cargo de Sequestra-dor, ÿ consentir que este recayga, en el que es ÿ será Bayle de la Villa de Corçá, como ÿ que no he hecho ny practicado diligencia alguna para dexar de tener los titulos de pertinenci-as del referido manso,
antes bien, que las he hecho repetidas, para descubrirles; pero siem-pre en vano, asegurando que para todas essas protestas, ÿ formalidades, remitiré poderes correspondtes para notificarlos, sirviendo sola-mte este escrito de mi puño, para adelantar ÿ ganar tiempo, â fin de acreditar, que por mi parte ny se quiere eludir, ny diferir el pago de la cantidad Dotal sobre la propiedad de los bienes â que corresponde, ÿ segun lo ha previsto ÿ aprovado el Tribunal.
Dios ntro Sor gde la vida de Vmd ms as
B L M de Vmd su mas sgro Sdor Salvador de Caramany Sor Dn Juan de Pujadas, ÿ Alerm

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