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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1792. Carta de Francisco Guerrero Carrillo, picador de caballos de la Brigada de Carabineros Reales, para Juan Manuel García Dorado.

Autor(es) Francisco Guerrero Carrillo      
Destinatario(s) Juan Manuel García Dorado      
In English

Letter from Francisco Guerrero Carrillo, a horse trainer for the Brigade of the Carabineros Reales, to Juan Manuel García Dorado.

The author informs Juan Manuel García Dorado that he will arrive soon to the town, and gives him instructions to prepare both his stay in it and his travel to Madrid.

The defendant of this process was Francisco Guerrero Carrillo, a horse trainer for the Brigade of the Carabineros Reales. In 1790, he was accused of the crime of bigamy by the Inquisition of Cordova and sentenced to six years of banishment, at a minimum distance of eight leagues from Jaén, Cordova, Almagro (Ciudad Real), Madrid, and the sites of the Royal Court. When he entered the prison of the Holy Office of Toledo in 1791 the seizure of all his property was ordered, naming Juan Manuel García Dorado as its keeper. When he left the prison a year later, he requested the return of his property, because he needed money to go to Zaragoza, having received an order of the king who mobilised the Carabineros to take part in the war against France. However, the authorities of the Inquisition decided not to proceed with the returning of his properties until he did not pay the expenses of his stay in prison. The letters written for this reason by Francisco Guerrero Carrillo to Juan Manuel García Dorado were handed over by the addressee to the Inquisition Tribunal, as requested by the Court.

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Texto: -

Cordova 3 de Junio de 92
Amigo Juan Manuel
el Jueves en la tarde media ora despues de oracíones llegaré â esa Villa,
aunque ê dicho el Jue-bes dígo aora qe será el Vi-ernes ps lo an dispuesto asi los arríeros,
espero qe á lo me-nos en Sn Jorge me aguarde Ud dejando bisto ádonde tengo de ír á parar ía qe me ar-rendo Ud la Casa á las rubias,
Juan está Casa del Comandante dígaselo Ud í me íré alli pr uno ô dos dias pues el Comandante me lla-ma á Madríd, y creo bol-beré á la Brigada.
Ud no díga nada de qe boy ni de qe bolveré à la Brigada,
cuídado con el sijilo ps tal bez no beré ál Segundo al Coman Mayor, conqe callar, y agu-ardarme.
bea Ud de á los co-saríos de Madríd.
y con el qe mas pronto esté para mar-char ablale Ud pa llevar una persona sín decír qn es,
á la bista ablaremos.
y agur.
y mandar á su amígo de Corazon
Franco Guerrero y Carrillo

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