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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Visualización por frase

[1760-1770]. Carta de [Gertrudes Maria da Conceição] para Francisco Pedro Vital.

Autor(es) [Gertrudes Maria da Conceição]      
Destinatario(s) Francisco Pedro Vital      
In English

Love letter from [Gertrudes Maria da Conceição] to Francisco Pedro Vital.

The author, again, expresses her resentment towards some attitudes of her fiancé.

The young Gertrudes Maria da Conceição, resident in Lisbon, got engaged to Francisco Pedro Vital, a soldier within the Prince's regiment. Later on, she wanted to become engaged to another youth, Epifânio José Barbosa, caulker. Francisco, however, legally tried to make her marry him, presenting as proof of their connection the love letters previously exchanged between them. Conversely, Epifânio decided that he no longer wanted to marry her, since she was committed to someone else. This legal process dragged on for 3 years and the court papers include the love letters that Gertrudes wrote to her first fiancé.

My relief and all my love.

I was very pleased with your letters. They left me upset for many reasons, since I like all things very clear, and you tell me that you are not embarrassed with your father or mother. I am even less, since embarrassing me is not something they can do, and my mother is easy to pacify because she has better temper. My father, however, is more insolent. But, since I do not plan to stay with them, what do I care? What you ordered to ask me about what I had ordered to tell you was that my father doesn’t have any dowry to give me money. This is to say that, whoever wants me, can only want me person and nothing else. This was what I said in the other letter, which seemed possible for you not to understand, since you didn’t reply a word and it seems to me it was an answer itself what you told or asked, because I don’t answer with less truth, since my answer is as it should be. Now, if you want to know anything else, you can ask, because I will give you an answer to everything or I say I have other worries. Make your own decision, because I don’t want a man to fool around, but someone to marry. And if you want it so, don’t say what is not true, since it will be my will, if it is yours too. And, if this comes to good terms, I must have a home right away, since my parents will not want me in their house, and neither do I, because I am tired of putting up with them alone. And, by the way, [tell] me if you understand me now or if you are playing dumb, and I want an answer to everything to know in which law I should live. From the much loyal one, until death, more that you will be,


It’s done since Wednesday.

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Texto: -

Meu alivio e todo o meu bem
estimei mto as suas letras
pro muntos motivos me deixaro gostoza pois gosto de todas as couzas dezemganadas asim vmce me dis se não embarasa com seu pai nem mei
eu menos proq eles a min he couza q tambem me não pode embaracar q minha mei milhor se ha de adomar proq tem milhor genio
mas meu pai he mais empretenete
mas como eu não faso temsam ficar com eles q se me da diso
o q me mandar e porguntra o q he q eu lhe maadava dizer hera q meu pai não tem dodostes para me dar o dinheiro
para milhor dizer q qm me quizer he a minha pesoa sem mais nada
isto he o q mendei dizer no outro escrito q me parese posivel não o emtender poroq nem sequer huma palavar respondeo e me parese q hera resposta o q me mandava dizer o proguntra q lhe não respondo em tremos menos verdade q lhe respondo como deve ser
agora se quer lhe saber mais alguma couza pode mandalo proguntra q a tudo lhe he de dar resposta o dizer q tenho outros codados
vmce julgase pro si q eu não quero home para pasar tempo senão para cazar
e se vmce asim quer não esteja dizendo o q não he q a ser seu gosto ja lhe dise hera meu
e a xigrase a fazer ha de ser para me pro logo na minha caza q o meus pais não ha de querer q fique em caza nem eu quero q para os sofre so estou frata eu
e ja agora se ja me emtende o q lhe digo o se fas q não presebe e deste quero resposta de tudo para saber na lei em q he de viver
D Desta mto a mto emte a morte frime ha de ser mais de q vmce g
desde qarta fera q esta feto

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