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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1643]. Carta de Gaspar de Vecha para Juan López de Ysasaga.

Author(s) Gaspar de Vecha      
Addressee(s) Juan López de Ysasaga      
In English

Letter from Gaspar de Vecha to Juan López de Ysasaga.

The author informs Juan López de Ysasaga of the difficulties to collect certain profit.

In 1704, following Gaspar Felipe de Idiáquez y Urreamendi´s death, who did not have children, a litigation between several relatives took place. They claimed their right to the estate of Yurreamendi founded by Juan Ruíz de Yurreamendi and Elena de Burgos in 1543. Firstly, the deceased´s sister, Isabel María de Idiáquez y Yurreamendi; secondly, José Joaquín de Zavala y Yurreamendi, his nephew; and lastly, Juan de Ysasaga Arrué y Francia, a grandson of the founders´ firstborn granddaughter. In effect, Juan de Ysasaga´s defence goes back to the moment in which his grandmother, María de Yurreamendi was excluded of the succession in favour of her younger brother, Gaspar de Yurreamendi, from whom Gaspar Felipe de Idiáquez was the last descendant. During the trial, the litigants had to prove their filiations and their pure blood line and, among the documents presented, Juan de Ysasaga´s party provided several family letters from the 1620s and 1640s. His purpose was to show that his father, Buenaventura de Ysasaga, as María de Yurramendi´s male child, was born before his grandfather had passed away and, therefore, the rightful possession of the property had been snatched and now he had the right to claim it for his heir.

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Al sr Juan Lopez
Por aber benido algo cansado no boy a besar a vm su mano.
sr mio la cobranca del juro de camora esta de mala data porque segun me parece tiene su magd placa dias mas en la mesma ciudad
y segun nos emos ynformado de unos arieros de la mesma ciudad de camora dicen que todas las rentas reales se gastan y consumen
sin embargo se ha quedado el sr juan de elorca para escribir a un correspondiente que tiene en la mesma ciudad y saber lo que ay
entretanto que se sepa no ay quien a querido entrar en conçierto esto es en Resolucion de este juro.
Y el juro que Vm cobraba en bitoria como ay azen dadores nuebos dize el sr juan de elorca que no puede pagar asta que se trayga orden de madrid
estara dificultoso la cobranca a mi ber.
Las cartas de pago del ano de 36. 37. y 38 no pudedo arancear porque los libros se han llebado a madrid a dar cuenta a carlos duart coronel
me parece podra vm acer descargo por justicia a la sa dona mariana de aldaola
ge dios a vm como puede y deseo
y de esta su propia de vm oy sabado.
Gaspar de Vecha

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