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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1766-1771]. Carta de Vicente Salazar para Isabel Trujillo

Author(s) Vicente Salazar      
Addressee(s) Isabel Trujillo      
In English

Letter from Vicente Salazar to Isabel Trujillo.

The author presents his apologies to Isabel Trujillo for not having bought her a ring and informs her of certain purchases he has made. He also apologises for having an afternoon snack with other girls.

In 1772 Isabel Trujillo appeared before court demanding Vicente Salazar´s compliance with the marriage promise he had made to her. The couple, native to Carmona, had kept a love relationship for five years. In order to prove the commitment was true, Isabel provided several letters and objects that Vicente had given her. However, at the same time that Isabel upheld her litigation before justice, another young woman appeared claiming that a similar promise had been made to her by Vicente Salazar. María de Ávila stated that she had also received a marriage promise and she had given in to Vicente´s pretentions. As a consequence, she was eight months pregnant. Isabel Trujillo argued that Vicente Salazar had promised to marry her first and doubted that María de Ávila had ever met him. The defendant, who was being held in Seville Real Audiencia´s prison, admitted the promises made to Isabel Trujillo and also that the letters and objects she presented were his. However, he did not admit having met María de Ávila. The fact that the latter left no stone unturned in her quest to achieve justice only delayed the proceeding. Throughout the litigation Isabel Trujillo kept providing letters proving her long friendship and courtship with Vicente Salazar. Despite Isabel´s arguments being solid, the witnesses presented by María de Ávila showed that she had enough reasons to demand the compliance of Vicente´s promises. In 1774 the defendant admitted he had promised to marry both women and, considering María´s circumstances, he acknowledged paternity of her child. Faced with this situation, Isabel Trujillo decided to withdraw her claim, which facilitated María and Vicente´s marriage.

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Text: -

Hermana la mas querida que tengo,
despues de desear tu salud y ofrezer la que me asiste mui a tu disposizion.
hermana mia perdonaras por lo corto qu e andado para tu enferio pero te aseguro que io te hubiera comprado un zintillo, y otra cosa pero como quiera que unos entraban y otros salian y que si me lo bieran comprar se habian de presumir que hera para ty como quiera que coren esas bozes no me determine.
pero no me quite Dios la bida hasta tanto que tenga el gusto de vertelo puesto y no me pareze sera muy tarde.
Ay estubo mi tio el de sevilla pues bino ha verme y a cobrar de quatro sujetos feriantes doze mil rreales que le devian
y tubo su merzed zinco mil pues an tenido mala feria y no pudieron satisfazerle el todo.
Mi tio me enferio una tunbaga de oro y unas medias de seda negras
y te aseguro que la tunbaga no me la quiero poner conque yo te la llebare para que tu te la pongas;
y en casa de dn Joseph dije como mi tio me enferio la caja que tu me enferiaste.
Mi madrina la de dn Pedro Martinez me enferio unas Medias de seda Blancas que le costaron cinco pesos pues yo me alle delante,
y io me enferie antes que esta jente me enferiaran otro par de Medias de seda negras caladas mui espeziales
conque me bengo ha hallar con quatro pares de Medias de seda sin otro par que tenia yo.
es berdad que estube comomiendo buñuelos con las hijas de da Barbara Dominguez y con la hija de Muñoz pero no me pude escusar porque otro y io fuimos a comer unos buñuelos y en la casilla donde entramos estaban ellas comiendo Buñuelos de modo que fueron tantas las ystanzias que no me pude escusar
y asi te digo que maiores halegrias hubiera tenido yo siempre que tu hubieras estado
y el mensajero de eso segun mi parezer a sido el que se a ofrezido por padrino tuio y mio que es el sor Roa pues yo bien le bide pasar por detras de la casilla
Dios me gue tu bida los años que te deseo
aDios niña
Quien te quiere bien lo saves
si pudieres mañana por la mañana hire ha hablar contigo que tengo que dezirte
y quidado que si no mengo el rrelox no te lebantas

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