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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


[1625]. Carta de fray Pedro de Herrera Suárez, obispo de Tuy, para Pedro Pérez de Envid.

Autor(es) Pedro de Herrera Suárez      
Destinatario(s) Pedro Pérez de Envid      
In English

Letter from Fray Pedro de Herrera Suárez, the bishop of Tuy, to Pedro Pérez de Envid.

The author rejoices for the rapid arrival of the letters and informs the addressee of certain aspects regarding the litigations he is working in.

In 1631, as part of the trial between the creditors and the executors of the bishop of Tuy´s properties; Pedro Pérez de Envid, a chaplain of Santo Domingo el Real, claimed the delayed payments in his salaries. The plaintiff had exercised as a business agent at Pedro de Herrera Suárez´s bishopric for nine years and he demanded the debt of 250 ducats per year to be paid. In order to prove his claim was legitimate, he presented the bishop´s last will and testament, which specified the aforementioned debt. Likewise, several witnesses confirmed Pedro Pérez´s activity as a business agent and his good work. The judge appointed for the proceedings was the Salamanca´s Corregidor at the request of the residents of the city. The ruling was unfavourable to the plaintiff. Specifically, he was paid 400 ducats, less than he had claimed, therefore, Pedro Pérez presented a motion to the Council for the annulment of the judgment. The litigation is incomplete and we do not know what the final outcome was.

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Huelgome q la carta en q decia como se dilatava mi camino aya llegado a tpo q estorvase el concertar las azemilas y casa, porq aya el gasto no se hiziese sin provecho aviendo de ser tan grades los q se hara qdo alla vaya si vale las cosas a precio ta excesivo como aca dize El pleito d esa muger q alla esta si se ventilare delante del nuncio es bie q sepa el auditor q por la informacio hecha el consejo la mado llevar alla para sacarla de su casa al reo y q assi no sera bie madarsela bolver En lo de torneros ya creo q anda soliscitandolo El Recaudo de su caso de Vmd llevo do phelipe el sobrino del sor Arobo de Mexico q salio de aqui el domo llevalo muy encayado si no lo ha dado made Vmd embiar por el tambie llevo la informacio sobreras Al pe juo de Herra b l m muchas vezes por la q en todo me haze y por no casarle sin ocasio no le escrivo A vmd gde Dios etc. Tued 5 d 8bre

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