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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


[1780]. Carta de Luis Varela Fuertes para su cuñado Domingo Gómez.

Autor(es) Luis Varela Fuertes      
Destinatário(s) Domingo Gómez      
In English

Letter from Luis Varela Fuertes to his brother-in-law Domingo Gómez.

The author informs Domingo Gómez of the actions that have been taken regarding his release from prison. He asks him for detailed information about what the addressee has told his wife so that he can act accordingly.

In 1780, Jerónimo Toboso, the alguacil mayor of the Valladolid Royal Chancery, opened a proceeding against Antonio Puertas and Domingo Gómez. These two men were frequently seen in the public square without working. Therefore, they were looked for and their houses were searched. They found stolen objects and an inquire began. Clara Muñoz declared that Antonio Puertas had been at her house and stole a small chest with chocolates and some cotton skeins. Also Manuel de Entuna declared that Antonio Puertas had stolen certain sums of money from him. He was also accused of stealing some jewellery from his mother, Melchora Martínez. The proceeding continued by inquiring persons close to Antonio Puertas in order to decide on whether he was guilty of loiter with intent. The proceeding documentation is in bad state and possibly incomplete.

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hermano de mi mayor estimazion sientto mucho el que usted no estte mejor ttocante A las diliJenzias para ustted Se Azen el Sr Muñoz Palabra A mi ttio Bovello que se la Abriria el Juizio pues que le Abia a ustted de Rejistrar su bida el Proqurador A rregistrado Los Auttos y dize que no Sabe Como Ayan dado Los Señores La Senttenzia que No Alla Causa para ella La morena estta A besittar los Señores para que mañana Pidan Los Auttos porque oy Se echo la Pettizion y no Los pidieron me Ara ustted el fabor de ynbiarme un papelitto y dezirme Lo que ustted Le respondio A el hermano de Puerttas quando A ustte Le dijo Lo que Lo que ustted ynbio A dezir en el papel A la Morena y Con estto Mande en Cosa que le Puda serbir Serbidor de Vmd y quien desea berle Libre es Su hermano

Luis Varela fuerttes hermano Domingo Gomez



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