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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1749. Carta de José do Redo, vigário provincial, para José de Beringel, religioso.

Autor(es) José do Redo      
Destinatario(s) José de Beringel      
In English

Private letter from José do Redo, provincial vicar, to José de Beringel, religious.

The author tells his friend that he had hoped to meet him and he is very sad that this has not happened, but he still waits that he goes preach in a nearby land.

The defendant in this process is the friar José de Beringel, 50 years old, apostolic missionary and a theology teacher, with some functions at the Holy Office. He was born in Beringel (Évora), resident at a convent in Vila Viçosa and accused of heresy in the counties of Beja, Vila Nova de Portimão and Viana do Alentejo. As is reported in the process, the defendant had stated that, if his Holy Majesty had not done his penance, he would be burning in hell; that children should not obey their parents when they prevented them from the mental prayer; and that he doubted that those who unworthily wanted to could receive the body of Christ; among other things. Frei José do Redo, provincial vicar, wrote to the defendant (PSCR0515) to ask him to go preach in Beja. This letter is mentioned by the defendant in the trial, as evidence that he was preaching in Beja at the request of José do Redo and, thus, that this was the reason he was absent from the convent. The defendant was also warned that he could only use doctrines that did not cause scruples to the faithful. The friar Manuel da Epifania, on his turn, wrote to the preacher Filipe dos Remédios (PSCR0516), replying to a letter the later had sent to him, which reported the words of the defendant regarding the nuns of the Monastery of Santa Clara. The letter written by the Bishop of Nanjing (PSCR0517), Francisco de Santa Rosa Viterbo, who lived in Viana, where the defendant had served him for some time, is used as proof of the defendant's disobedience and pride, and was delivered by the commissioner of the Holy Office António José da Silva. The defendant went to Rome to argue about his case to the Supreme Inquisition and got an acquittal, but also an admonishment. He should neither preach nor leave the convent without a license. He did so for three years, but left the convent again to seek absolution in the curia and contest that punishment. He was then acquitted again from the heretical propositions and regained his license to preach as before, without being molested by the inquisitors.

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M amado Sr Custo, saude e paz em o sor sendome precizo chegar a esta caza aonde me dizem q VM estivera, senti m não o achar nella, porq tinha q lhe com-unicar materias de importancia; mas suposta a sua retirada terei por hora pa-ciencia; e se me offerece dizerlhe por letra, q em Beja se espera q VM pregar hũa quaresma q lhe está aceita na boa de q não tinha nisso duvida; e assim espero q não falte a isto, e despois, da-lo q por Mis-sionar ali o Pe Fr Afonso, não tenha VM lu-gar de fazer logo o mesmo como estava deter-minado; bem sabe q em Moura me empenhou o Vigo da vara com toda a instancia pa q lhe desse missão áquella terra; e assim fio do seu zelo, q não faltará a isto, satisfazendo primo á quaresma q roca á Beja; porq aliás, sera m sensivel ali a sua falta, e eu mais q ninguẽ o sentirei; o q não prezumo, não pela pontu-alide, com q VM obra no q o Prelado lhe ordena, mas tambem porq estou certo de q não se esqueçe do qto o meu affecto lhe merece; á cuja pessoa Ds gde

Evora em 12 de Fevero de 1749 Teu ir e servo affectuozisso Fr Jozé do Redo Vigo Proval



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