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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1828]. Carta de Bernardo Peinador, auditor de guerra honorario, para [Manuel López, capitán de caballería].

Autor(es) Bernardo Peinador      
Destinatario(s) Manuel López      
In English

Letter from Bernardo Peinador, an honorary Judge Advocate, to Manuel López, a cavalry captain.

The author informs Manuel López about the difficulties he have in doing his business, and about the movements of the troops in the area near him.

The General Police Administration was closely monitoring the activities of foreign citizens residing in Portugal, also controlling their communications, in collaboration with the superintendent of the Posts. This letter is part of this intercepted correspondence from those Spanish military and intellectuals who, fleeing the absolutist Spain, had taken refuge in Portugal and were suspected of harboring liberal ideas and of plotting to overthrow Fernando VII and establish a constitutional regime.

This letter was written with invisible ink. For this reason, before the real text there is a brief note written by the author and signed with the pseudonym of Bernarda, in which the author discreetly informs the addressee that he will answer him in the same way this has written him.

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Somos 28 de Eno

Mi estimadisimo Amigo: he recivido su apre-ciable de 8 del coriente y en su vista contesto afirmatiba-mente a sus 3 preguntas conviniendo en ellas y creo sin el menor genero de duda que si se verificara la reu-nion de las dos heredades o dominio de ellas seria lo unico que podia apetecerse pa la completa determina-cion de disputas. Los interesados no han podido hasta ahora discurrir de que las ideas se abanzasen á tanto y por lo mismo no han entrado en su calculo; por lo que me persuado que lo abrazaran con mucho gusto si se consigue pues qe serian muchas las venta-jas de la reunion segun estubieron en los tiempos

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