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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1822. Carta de Rodrigo da Fonseca Magalhães para José da Silva Carvalho, Ministro da Justiça.

Author(s) Rodrigo da Fonseca Magalhães      
Addressee(s) José da Silva Carvalho      
In English

Letter from Rodrigo da Fonseca Magalhães, a former secretary of the governor of Pernambuco, to José da Silva Carvalho, the secretary of justice.

The author gives a detailed account of his mission as a spy. He had been previously recruited by the addressee to help to stop the conspiracy against the liberal cabinet.

In 1822, in the aftermath of the liberal revolution in Portugal, the suspects of a counter-revolutionary coup were prosecuted by the Royal justice. The official version of the coup was described in the 'Diário do Governo' (Cabinet Journal) as the act of «evil anarchists and ambitious conspirators who wanted no less than barbarically cover with blood our happy Regeneration, put our Homeland in mourning, depose the King and take down the House of Deputies ('Cortes')». Five suspects were immediately arrested: Francisco de Alpoim e Meneses, a businessman, Januário da Costa Neves, a knight of the Order of Christ, officer of the Military Ministry of the Army, Manuel Ferreira, a footman, and João Rodrigues da Costa Simões, an apprentice printer.

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Page 21r

Illmo e Exmo Snr

Ás 9 da noute do dia de hontem estive com o Neves e Alpoim em casa do primeiro. Li uma terrivel proclamação que se imprimirá com o Dialogo das Estatuas: metter seha no prelo (segundo disse Neves) com o mesmo Dialogo 3ª fra proxima futura á noute.

Disse Alpoim que a opinião publica estava mais que nunca opposta áo Governo, e áo Congresso; que o Ministerio ja não sabia de si; nem que providencias dar; que era certo estar o Marechal Augereau com cincoenta mil homens para entrar em Hespanha; que pela Provincia do Minho entrão columnas de Hespanhoes; que tudo vai a mudar de face. Depois de ouvir tão estranhas noticias, ausenteime.

Rogo a V Excia a Graça de pôr esta participação na Presença de S Mage se assim o julgar necessario Ds Gde a V Excia Lisboa 25 de Maio de 1822

Illmo e Exmo Snr José da Silva Carvalho Rodrigo da Fonseca Magalhães

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