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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1761]. Carta de Isabel María Antoli y Borrás, religiosa de coro, para Manuel Jaramillo y Contreras, inquisidor.

Author(s) Isabel María Antoli y Borrás      
Addressee(s) Manuel Jaramillo y Contreras      
In English

Letter from Isabel María Antoli y Borrás, a nun, to Manuel Jaramillo y Contreras, an inquisitor.

The author writes to the inquisitor Manuel Jaramillo y Contreras to reprimand him, given that despite she has declared the truth, he does not give her any help or comfort.

Isabel María Antoli y Borrás, a choir nun from the Augustinian convent of Ulldecona (Tarragona), was accused of sacrilege in 1760. She was also accused of not going to confession for a long time, to which she argued she did not want to go to confession with Joan Alabart, given that when she did, he coerced her to admit sins she had never committed. Several letters from the inquisitor Manuel Jaramillo y Contreras and also from Joan Alabart were provided to the trial documentation. The objective was to examine these letters to prove the defendant´s obsession with the Holy Sacraments, given that she was always asking for communion. Besides, ever since the accusation was issued, Isabel María Antoli y Borrás started to write compulsively a letter asking for piety and mercy to the Inquisition Tribunal. Several copies of this letter can be found in the case documentation, but they have not been transcribed, since it is a formal letter and the content is always the same. Eventually, it was ruled the defendant should carry out a series of spiritual exercises and a general confession. The priest in charge of the confession was Mauricio Domenech. The trial was suspended until both dispositions were carried out, however, it was never resumed. This letter contains the following annotation: "Received on November the 11th 1761. Jaramillo. To join the previous ones".

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Mui ylustrism Sr

Sr despues de ponerme a los pies de VSra con el mas devido Rendimiento que no hai duda VSra me disimulara mis groserias en ser tan molesta en repitir tantas cartas pero me ago el cargo que Santa Maria madalena mi patrona llego a los pies de cristo y el Sr la almitia y haun parese se regalava el Sr de sus ruegos y sospiros y lagrimas pues yo confio VSra atendera a mis ansias y desehos en la verdatd como es esta de que de nada de lo que avia asegurado y declarado es verdad pues todo fue engaño del enhemigo para yr contra mi misma y esto le puedo asegurar a VSra no le deria mas aunque me

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