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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1556. Carta de João Velho Galvão para Fernão Pires da Nóbrega, deão da Sé.

Author(s) João Velho Galvão      
Addressee(s) Fernão Pires da Nóbrega      
In English

Private letter from João Velho Galvão to Fernão Pires da Nóbrega, dean of the cathedral.

The author tells the recipient about various situations occurred in Brasil.

João Velho Galvão was a resident in Salvador de Bahia, where he married Jerónima de Góis, one of the orphans sent to Brazil by the King João III, as a part of the royal policy of associating marriages and colonization. These marriages were usually encouraged by the granting of administrative positions, something that happened to João Velho Galvão, who in 1557 was appointed as the clerk of Salvador warehouse.

This is one of the letters in the collection "Corpo Cronológico", a documental fund under the custody of the National Archive of Torre do Tombo. It is a collection composed mostly by documentation of judicial and administrative nature, from 1161 to 1696. After the earthquake of 1755 many scattered documents were incorporated in this fund. Just like the name suggests, the main criterion of organization within the Corpo Cronológico is the documents' date.

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sor cõpadre

despois d o sor bpo he vm serẽ partydos chegou a esta cydade navyo de ao de tores o quall tyvemos novas q não havya de vir gor nẽ navyo dellRey pa ca sẽ prymeyro ser chegado ho sor bpo q he ja ho q todos os do povo desejavam he asym ho Rogavam he pedyam ao sor ds he todos tẽ pa sy por hos tẽpos q ca cursaram q chegareis ao Reyno meado agosto que verya ho sor ds ouvyr os pequenos e allgũa parte dos gramdes pecolhe sor cõpadre q me espreva da vyagẽ he chegada ha lysboa he do q la pasa tudo largamte porq hasym ho farey eu de ca. Tamto q sor bpo se partyo day ha obra de oyto dias pouco mays ou menos descobryo ho padre mestre esco[la] hũa carta q daquy espreveo o cabydo ao cardeall, a quall carta dyz q levou daquy manoell corea outra pa ellRey he q portugall falam do manoell corea o mestre escola q lhe dyxe manoell corea q levava hũas cartas do sor bpo he cabydo -s- hũa pa ellRey e outra pa o cardeall he q deu a do cardeall ao padre mestre escola pa q lha dese e a dellRey q hele manoell corea ha darya he o padre mestre escola tomara a carta do cardeall he vemdo q o cabydo lhe não esprevya nẽ lhe mãodava dar as cartas q ha a buscara he a não quys dar ao cardeall he a trouxe he despoys de o sor bpo ydo ha amostrou hao

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