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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1824. Carta de Rodrigo José dos Santos, ourives, para Luís Francisco Vidal, escrivão da polícia.

Author(s) Rodrigo José dos Santos      
Addressee(s) Luís Francisco Vidal      
In English



These proceedings were opened against a gang of thieves who acted in several places of the reign of Portugal, such as fairs, markets, roads and private properties. They robbed merchants, tradesmen and several persons in their homes. The defendants were also accused of beating and murdering some of their victims. Although there were several complainers, the most active one was Rodrigo José dos Santos, a goldsmith who feared that once the defendants were released, they would take revenge from their accusers.

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MonteMor o Velho 30 de marco de 1824 Snr Luis Franco Vidal

Meu Snr hoije que soube deSerto que ontem soube deSerto q ontionte se prendeu ao pe da Sidade de Coĩnbra 5 ladrois que andavão a roubar na estrada e fugirão 2 asim fasa ma de o partisipar ao Sr Coregedor e estes herão da carapinheira pa q o mos Sr os mande remeter para esa Sidade e o tal marques hoj doo pte ao Sr Alferes aonde ele anda perto e no emtanto mandeme como

seu Cro Rodrigo Joze dos Santos



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