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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1830. Carta de João Dias de Freitas, boticário, para João Dias Alves Branco, mestre de fábrica da pólvora.

Author(s) João Dias de Freitas      
Addressee(s) João Dias Alves Branco      
In English

Private business letter from João Dias de Freitas, an apothecary, to João Dias Alves Branco, a craftsman.

The author asks the addressee to deliver him «wine», the codename for gunpowder, to a person of their acquaintance.

João Dias Alves Branco was master craftsman in the Royal Factory of Gunpowder in Barcarena, near Lisbon. He was prosecuted for stealing gunpowder from his own factory and trying to sell it to acquaintances of him. He was also accused of an arson attack to a gunpowder factory in Spain and of making counterfeit money.

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Senhor João Dias -

Aqui esta ja o Almocreve que ha de levar o vinho para o nosso amigo Peirezes em que ja lhe tinha fallado, rogo portanto a Vmce que athe terça, ou quarta feira deve aqui estar empreterivelmente. Se vier traga-o, e se não vier mande-o pois eu fico responsavel para na occazião da entrega receber o seu cumpẽto- ADeos athe a vista.

Lisboa tres d' Abril de 1830- seu amigo João Dias de Freitas

postscriptum Venha bem acondecionado porquanto como veer assim ha de ir. etc



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