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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1601. Carta de Vicente Borges para Francisco Rodrigues.

Autor(es) Vicente Borges      
Destinatario(s) Francisco Rodrigues      
In English

Private letter from Vicente Borges to Francisco Rodrigues.

The author warns the recipient that he is sending him a mule, taken by a carrier who also takes two pennies, and excuses himself, saying that he had not done this before because he had no one to take the animal.

This case concerns Vicente Borges, charged with the unlawful exercise of ecclesiastical functions. The defendant was born in Lisbon and claimed to have been a friar in a convent in Coimbra. He was arrested and accused of various crimes, including sodomy, robbery and extorsion, assuming various false names. He was later condemned to go to Angola, with seven years in the galleys, and was considered suspect of heresy and apostasy.

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A francisco Roiz defronte da portaria do hospital del Rei em Lxa a entrada da prasa da palha Etc

VM me leve em conta não mandar mais dipresa o macho mas a falta de não ter por quẽ me fes não lho mandar, o moso E não lho vi mais o portador desta dara a VM dous tostois E o macho oferesendose cousa em q posa servir a VM faloei. Nosso snr de a VM a vida E saude q pera mim dezejo Etc

orador de VM frei Visente de Lxa



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