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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1825]. Carta escrita por Narciso Manuel Antunes, oficial superior de Contrabandos, para António, padre.

Autor(es) Narciso Manuel Antunes      
Destinatario(s) António      
In English

Threatening letter written by Narciso Manuel Antunes, a customs officer, to a priest, father António.

Narciso Manuel Antunes and Maria Joaquina were accused of spanking a priest, father António. Narciso Manuel believed that the priest had supernatural powers and asked him to be included in one of his contacts. Since the priest refused to do that, Narciso Manuel, with the help of a soldier, spanked him. He was later condemned to 3 years of exile in Cape Verde.

Father António.

I hope these few lines will find you in perfect health.

I inform you that I belong to your nephew's society. I have had no luck for the last three years because of you. You don't let me have a pact with Rhadamanthus the same way you have one.Today, I want to have such pact at your place, or else it will be the end of your life. It's enough the fact that I drag myself the way I do, having nothing to eat, ragged and in bare feet, having the water entering my feet and not being able to walk. This is the worst misery I endure because you don't make me as happy as you are. Look at the misery I've endured in the past three years, without being able to attain everything you have. What do you want me to do in this situation, but to turn myself against you and to end up by killing you and it shall be today: make a pact only for me and remember nothing but me. When you were a part of this movement, you didn't wish to be served like this. You must remember those people who live seized like I do for so long because of your worship of the real spirit of Rhadamanthus. I hope, without fail, to have a pact with Rhadamanthus at you house. Let it be just for me, for your sister's health and yours. It's enough that I'm so miserable because of you. Remember those who are hungry, ragged and on bear feet like I am, seeing myself in my ultimate misery for having nothing because of you. Remember me today, make my pact to the real spirit that is Rhadamanthus and do it for me, and for nobody else, because I'm in great need.

I won't bother you no more.

Your venerator,

Narciso Manuel Antunes

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