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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1771. Carta de Francisco Xavier Lopes para Manuel Ribeiro Coelho.

Autor(es) Francisco Xavier Lopes      
Destinatario(s) Manuel Ribeiro Coelho      
In English

Private letter from Francisco Xavier Lopes to Manuel Ribeiro Coelho.

The author gives instructions as to the procedure to be adopted by the recipient.

In 1778 and 1779 two petitions related to two debts left by the late Francisco Xavier Lopes were presented to a judge in Setúbal: 34,110 reis were due to Manuel Ribeiro Coelho and 12,800 reis were due to Valentim Próspero Salgado. Each of the petitions is accompanied by a letter from Francisco Xavier Lopes, and at least the first debt was recognized by both the widow, now chief of family, and by the other heirs.

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